It would be nice to rid the world of this guy



Rational Thought Allowed?
Mar 9, 2006
If you want to have good relations with the Iranian people in the future, you should acknowledge the right and the might of the Iranian people, and you should bow and surrender to the might of the Iranian people. If you do not accept this, the Iranian people will force you to bow and surrender.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
VIENNA, Austria (AP) -- Iran has turned away U.N. inspectors wanting to examine its underground nuclear site in an apparent violation of the Nonproliferation Treaty, diplomats and U.N. officials said Monday. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the confidentiality of the information, told The Associated Press that Iran's unprecedented refusal to allow access to the facility at Natanz could seriously hamper international efforts to ensure that Tehran is not trying to make nuclear weapons.
Also, I am anxiously anticipating Ahmadinejad's comments tomorrow...
I think its all just posturing for the best deal he can get. He has got to realize no one here trembles in fear of the Iranian "long-range missile" that goes 150 miles but that if he gets it up to 1,000 we'll smush him like a bug. No, he knows that the possibility of a nuclear Iran scares us from a terror point of view and from the perspective of what it would mean to Israel and Iraq (down the line). So he's holding us up for whatever he can get. Might as well have a .22 in his hand and a stocking mask over his face ...
I think its all just posturing for the best deal he can get. He has got to realize no one here trembles in fear of the Iranian "long-range missile" that goes 150 miles but that if he gets it up to 1,000 we'll smush him like a bug. No, he knows that the possibility of a nuclear Iran scares us from a terror point of view and from the perspective of what it would mean to Israel and Iraq (down the line). So he's holding us up for whatever he can get. Might as well have a .22 in his hand and a stocking mask over his face ...

He did that already during Iran Hostage Crisis. He has not changed his methods. Only his position of influence has increased. A dangerous man.
Yes the best thing would be to have him killed.
I agree. However, how do you go about that? Assassination only creates a power vacuum, which is potentially a much graver danger than leaving him in power. A military operation in which the U.S. once again tries to win "hearts and minds" is too large an undertaking to task to the already spread thin U.S. Army and Marine Corps. Our only options are to take no action or to completely annihilate Iran, mostly by use of our Air Force and Navy.
I agree. However, how do you go about that? Assassination only creates a power vacuum, which is potentially a much graver danger than leaving him in power. A military operation in which the U.S. once again tries to win "hearts and minds" is too large an undertaking to task to the already spread thin U.S. Army and Marine Corps. Our only options are to take no action or to completely annihilate Iran, mostly by use of our Air Force and Navy.

I am not sure if I believe in the winning of "hearts and minds" in this area of the world. As far as creating a power vacuum, yes it probably does do that, but it takes time for your enemy to get back up to the level of his predecessor. I guess I would be for the annihilation tactic also. America has taken on a weak persona in the world as of late. You make a serious attempt at bludgeoning one of these bullies and the rest of the bullies will take a seat.
I am not sure if I believe in the winning of "hearts and minds" in this area of the world. As far as creating a power vacuum, yes it probably does do that, but it takes time for your enemy to get back up to the level of his predecessor. I guess I would be for the annihilation tactic also. America has taken on a weak persona in the world as of late. You make a serious attempt at bludgeoning one of these bullies and the rest of the bullies will take a seat.

can you cite a precedent for the belief that the rest will take a seat? because honestly to this point i can't remember it happening. we bludgeoned the taliban and saddam and the bullies just kept on coming.
can you cite a precedent for the belief that the rest will take a seat? because honestly to this point i can't remember it happening. we bludgeoned the taliban and saddam and the bullies just kept on coming.

We haven't bludegeoned anyone, we have fought a PC war. That is why they keep on coming. You'll know when you have beaten someone down, they absolutely sit down.
nothing PC about that

If you are stating people have been killed, you are correct. But it was always a PC war and still is. We have not awed anyone. This has been a hamstrung, PC war from the get go. Our soliders are being used as babysitters for the most part. Our military is capable of much more destruction than has been displayed in this war.
If you are stating people have been killed, you are correct. But it was always a PC war and still is. We have not awed anyone. This has been a hamstrung, PC war from the get go. Our soliders are being used as babysitters for the most part. Our military is capable of much more destruction than has been displayed in this war.

hate to get off-topic, but you are pretty much saying this has been a waste of time right?

and yes it is capable, but you are forgetting that most of these people don't care if they die, they become martyr's. conventional wisdom says bludgeon one and the rest will bow down, but conventional wisdom is irrelevant in this case.
hate to get off-topic, but you are pretty much saying this has been a waste of time right?

and yes it is capable, but you are forgetting that most of these people don't care if they die, they become martyr's. conventional wisdom says bludgeon one and the rest will bow down, but conventional wisdom is irrelevant in this case.

Yes, I wonder how many do not care if they do not die. I think there are many muslims in these countries that are not active terrorists but do aid the terrorists in the sense that they remain quiet about them and in essence quietly support them due to their muslim beliefs. If we were truly waging a war, the destruction might persuade the "fencers" to turn on their muslim fanatic brethern. If not, it just means they hate us and will always hate us and then true war is the only answer to solving the problem anyway.
three words, "shock and awe"
The "Shock and Awe" Campaign was more a psyops tactic than a casualty producing one. Most of the targets during the initial shock and awe air operations were unmanned. One of the main strategic points of OIF 1 was to reduce Iraqi Military Casualties so that the soldiers could be used in the rebuilding process, save the Republican Guard.
and not to argue semantics, but this is not a war.
You are arguing semantics with that statement, my friend. Other wars that went undeclared:
The Revolutionary War
The Civil War
The Korean War
The Vietnam War
Operation Just Cause
Desert Storm and
Grumpy OWB? You think I am crazy! You talkin' to me?



My blog....
apparently Aug. 22, which is today, holds some kind of significance for Mr. Ahmadinejad

It was yesterday, and it is the Sunni belief that the 12th Imam will make his appearance in the world. He is to be the final Imam, and his appearance is to signify the end of the world.
It was yesterday, and it is the Sunni belief that the 12th Imam will make his appearance in the world. He is to be the final Imam, and his appearance is to signify the end of the world.

thanks for that, i was curious as to the significance

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