It's Great to Be A Vol!



Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2010
1) Even though WKU was a smaller name team, there were still 86 plus THOUSAND fans in the stands.

2) We who are still here have been through successes of the past and the failures of the recent past. We watched.. helplessly as our beloved Vols slipped from great to below mediocre.

3) We endured 4 different head coaches, various firings, and failures

Yet.. despite all of this... we the VFL's are still here.. still rooting for our team. Still filling Neyland, still buying gear, still hoping, still critiquing the players and coaches, still doing our thing. We are still Vol's

Here is a Panorama from yesterday while the teams were warming up. (Not everyone was in their seat yet)


If this was Miami playing WKU yesterday, WKU fans would have probably outnumbered the Miami fans.. Not here.. not at Tennessee..

Now, we have a HC that has the skill set, desire, and knowledge to get us back to being an elite program.

Will we beat Oregon? I hope so! But if we don't then thats OK.

It's still GREAT TO BE A VOL! :rock:


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It feels good to be 2-0. I finally see coaching, 2nd half adjustments, players playing disciplined football, no turn-overs, and making the most of every mistake the other team makes. I truly beieve Butch will get every win possible out of this team. Today, I AM PROUD TO SAY I AM A VOL!
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The powder keg will go off if we manage to beat any one of Oregon, Florida, or Bama this year. Hell, throw in South Carolina and UGA too.
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Nice pic....sections EE and FF looked like they did during the game.

That's pretty decent real estate up there. I would tossed on the sunblock and headed up to EE row 3 and kicked back with a 750ml of JD.
Nice pic....sections EE and FF looked like they did during the game.

That's pretty decent real estate up there. I would tossed on the sunblock and headed up to EE row 3 and kicked back with a 750ml of JD.

There was all kinds of room up there. When we sat in DD we were 4 of less than 20 people in the section.
There was all kinds of room up there. When we sat in DD we were 4 of less than 20 people in the section.

Those are serious seats up there! I realize they're on the East side but for a noon game the whole stadium is pretty much in the sun. Volly got scorched in X1, I think.

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