So you think the conflict was directly targeting the Jewish Embassy judging from your cartoon? Or is the cartoon completely unrelated?
That's just one aspect of the equation.
Gleaned from the BBC:
On Sunday, UN and French helicopter gunships
began a new operation they said was aimed at
destroying heavy weapons near Mr Gbagbo's
Mr Gbagbo has been refusing to cede power to
internationally-recognised President Alassane
Loud explosions can be heard echoing around
the lagoons which surround the centre of the
city, says the BBC's Mark Doyle in Abidjan.
On Monday morning, a large column of French
armoured vehicles left the French military base
in Abidjan.
A spokesman for Mr Ouattara has said his troops
were involved as well, and that this was the
largest joint attack since the conflict began.
So who is 'the international community?'
Must be talking about the UN, do we not agree??
So that leads to the question, who is in control
of the UN??
A question that must be asked;
Considering the many egregious violations of
human rights throughout the moslem world,
why do the majority of resolutions passed
by the UN against any particular state happen
to be against Israel??
That says a lot, you know.
Lastly, where is a quote from Mr Gbagbo's
What we see here and repeatedly in our media
is only one side of the story and usually the
wrong side when you get right down to it.
Here is another example, just after Barry Hussein
returned fro Rio a young man went into a school
and killed, execution style, (he lined his victims up
against the wall and shot them in the head) 12
students, aged 12 to 15.
In all the Brazilian news outlets it was reported
tha he had recently begun to visit islamic web
sites and had been spouting verses from the
In America not one peep of that aspect was even
mentioned at all, it was a total mystery why he
had committed such a brutal senseless act.
No doubt the young man was mentally deranged
but when you take someone who is in such a
state of mind as that and give him information
that encourages him to commit violent acts such
as that, then there will be some who will act upon
their insanity.
That's how they get jihadist suicide bombers, btw,
after police wounded him, the young man committed
Did he think he would immediately be transported
to paradise as the koran states??????
Who knows but one thing is for sure, we need to
look at that aspect of these sorts of crimes rather
than keep our heads squarlely between our buttocks
and ignore it as if it didn't exist.
One more point, we are inundated with claims of
prejudice against moslems in America but according
the FBI statistics, that accounts for only 3% of the
reported hate crimes, hate crimes against Jews
amounts to over 50% of those reported but we
never hear of that in the news.
In the dispicable 'pedophile protection act' that was
inserted in a defense department spending bill, only
one religious group was mentioned, moslems, nothing
in there to protect Christians, Jews, Hindus, Budhists,
or even those who follow the flying spaghetti monster,
only moslems as a religious group are protected
under that hate crimes bill.
Does that seem right to you, or does it seem to
be granting special rights to one specific group?
It's funny how religion always decides what side you take, gs. Funny and sad.
In this case it's impossible to ignore.
What has and is really transpiring in Ivory Coast?
This was a dhimmi-style election victory. Gbagbos
moslem opponent was actually ineligible to run
because he was not a native Ivoirean (hes from
the neighboring moslem state of Burkina Faso), but
he ran anyway with the support, of course, of the
moslems in the north, many of them from Burkina
Faso themselves.
However, for two years in a row before that,
elections had been cancelled - with the
of the UN and various African organizations -
because they felt that the country was too unstable
to guarantee the process, since the moslems from
the north were busy attacking Christian villages
in the north and were working their way south.
(Note; elections have been delayed in Nigeria for
EXACTLY the same reasons, northern minority
moslem agression against a southern Christian
majority and probably we will see much the same
story unfold there at some point in the future
as we see happening in Ivory Coast.)
When they held the election,
Gbagbo actually won,
and the moslems immediately claimed fraud, even
though it was the moslems who had been trying to
intimidate Christians to keep them away from the
polls in the north and anywhere they were dominant,
and there had been major moslem attacks on Christian
villages where Gbagbo was expected to win, with
mass rape being a favorite feature of the moslem
This time, with the support of the UN and the French,
the moslems were awarded the election after a
supposed recount.
So it is dubious that the people elected Ouattara,
unless you mean a dhimmi style election, which is
where they keep adjusting the totals until their
candidate wins. But even the dhimmicrats dont usually
go in for mass rape and slaughter, yet, at any rate.
But then here in America we have people like
Zulu Shabazz with poll station rhetoric such as
'kill them cracker babies' and yet our moslem in
chief and his moslem attorney general won't even
give him a slap on the wrist for poll station voter
Will some mentally off balance individuals take
action upon such hateful rhetoric, suffice it to
say they already have, the only disagreement a
about that is just how many times has it already
happened in this country.
Perhaps what is really odd is your head in the
sand view of religious implications, after all the
'new panthers' is merely a militant branch of the
nation of islam here in the USA.
Enlarging on that view, the moslem brotherhood
is the mother of all islamic jihadist groups, from
al-Qaeda to the al-Quds brigade, each tasked
with some particular tactic that fits into a larger
strategic plan.
Yet in this country we are told they are mostly
secular, nothing could be farther from the truth.
Likewise the new panther party is a militant offshoot
of the nation of islam and we are told they are just
a civil rights group seeking justice for the black
man and for moslems.