J. Quest Military Quote



Rational Thought Allowed?
Mar 9, 2006
"When you get and face an anti-war protester, look him in the eye and shake his hand. Then, wink at his girlfriend, because she knows she's dating a pu$$y."
-General Tommy Franks
I highly doubt Franks ever actually made that statement, especially since it starts out "when you get and face..." I have no idea exactly what that means, and while Franks is maybe not the best wordsmith, he most definitely is more eloquent than the above quote implies. Therefore, I am going to provide you with a list of quotes that are proven to have been made by certain commanders, soldiers, historians, and philosophers, and you can choose one for your signature.
Never mind that they call your caution timidity, your wisdom sloth, your generalship weakness; it is better that a wise enemy fear you than that foolish friends should praise.

All armed prophets succeed whereas unarmed ones fail.

The power to hurt is bargaining power. To exploit it is diplomacy.
Thomas Shelling

Values are useless without arms to back them up: even a civil society requires police and a credible judiciary to enforce its laws.
Robert Kaplan

The sum of virtue is to be sociable with them that will be sociable, and formidable with them that will not.
Thomas Hobbes

Aggressive fighting for the right is the noblest sport the world affords.
President and Noble Peace Prize winner, Theodore Roosevelt

In combat, your reward for a job well done is that you get the next tough mission.
Dick Winters
That should hold you over for a while.
Sorry that offended you...I'll remove it. (I actually didn't mean for that to even appear...for some reason even with "show signatures" checked I can't see anyone's signatures)
Sorry that offended you...I'll remove it. (I actually didn't mean for that to even appear...for some reason even with "show signatures" checked I can't see anyone's signatures)
Did not offend me, I just doubt that authenticity of the comment.
It is not authentic..............I had someone bring that up in another discussion on a different board.........

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