I love it. This ends the one man witch hunt that has been conducted against Barry Bonds. Now everybody can get their dirty laundry aired. Grimsley played for the Yankees in the late '90s-early '00s. Nothing would make me happier than him implicating some of the guys the media spent all that time fawning over for their "professionalism."(Lexvol @ Jun 9 said:No telling how far this will go, but IMO this is misguided energy, money and time for the FBI in this day and age. Using FBI to shake down a no count pitcher after you already have Victor Conte sp. is a joke.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 9 said:I love it. This ends the one man witch hunt that has been conducted against Barry Bonds. Now everybody can get their dirty laundry aired. Grimsley played for the Yankees in the late '90s-early '00s. Nothing would make me happier than him implicating some of the guys the media spent all that time fawning over for their "professionalism."
Why do I get a feeling Barry is greatly enjoying these recent revelations? When all is said and done, it's going to become apparent that Bonds was simply the best of his era. It will become obvious that steroid and HGH use was so rampant that one cannot reasonably say that Bonds had any real advantage over his competition.(Lexvol @ Jun 9 said:Too bad MLB couldn't be the ones agressively seeking info. Hat, here comes some of that justice that you love so much. It is amazing how Barry has taken all the wrath for the steroid pandemic.
You don't know what a statement you just made! I am in contact with the G men and have valid reasons for their assistance or to pass on information. But the bulk of the time spent is them explaining to me why they can't do something. Its not just the FBI. Plus there is a new breed of "agent". I could go on and on. But I will stop now for fear of having my computer confiscated!(Lexvol @ Jun 9 said:No telling how far this will go, but IMO this is misguided energy, money and time for the FBI in this day and age. Using FBI to shake down a no count pitcher after you already have Victor Conte sp. is a joke.