Jihad in NYC.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Sultan Knish a blog by Daniel Greenfield

June has been a banner month for Muslim lawsuits against the NYPD. First "Muslim Advocates" filed a lawsuit against the NYPD on behalf of some New Jersey Muslims attending mosques that the NYPD had assessed as a potential terrorism risk. The "Muslim Advocates", like every other Muslim "civil rights" group, has a history of covering up and defending terrorism.

.... the goal here is to get the NYPD to play the same "Three Blind Monkeys" game that Federal law enforcement has taken up. And the only answer is the TSAization of the NYPD, as the last remaining counterterrorism force will prove that it isn't singling out Muslims, by surveiling Methodist churches and Chassidic synagogues for signs of terrorist sympathies.

Tolerating people who will not tolerate you is fine, so long as they draw the line between ideas and action. The NYPD isn't surveilling New Jersey mosques because there are some bigots in blue who dislike immigrants, as the Associated Press, the American Civil Liberties Union and the whole lawyer-media complex would like you to believe. It's doing it because New York City's biggest serial killers and aspiring serial killers are Muslims who kill in the name of their ideas.

Their biggest idea is that Allah had sent Mohammed to make Islam "victorious over all religions, even though the infidels may resist." (Koran 61:9) And when the infidels resist, that's when you kill their soldiers, sue their police officers, and blow up a few buildings. Then you complain to the media that the infidels are persecuting you by spying on the mosques where the "Big Idea" is declaimed to the faithful and refusing to allow you to join the police force just because you think that Islamic law supersedes American law.

The Arab Spring has revealed the ugly truth that, given the vote, the Farhans in Egypt, Tunisia and Turkey will vote to imprison gays, oppress Christians, suppress women and all the way down the long awful checklist of the Islamic formula for a moral society. Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale is a fantasy in America, but it's how most people agree things should be in the Muslim world. The media is selflessly dedicated to lying about that simple fact, no matter how many of their reporters get raped, taken hostage or killed, until the truth becomes impossible to conceal.

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer has suggested that it might be possible to outlaw burning the Koran because it gets people killed. This is shorthand for saying it upsets Muslims, who then go out and kill people. Given a choice between doing something about the Muslims who are killing people or the freedom of speech that infuriates them, Breyer, like most of the transatlantic left, chose to do something about freedom.

There might be some mention of the Bill of Rights, but the Bill of Rights is dead in the age of the Living Constitution. If rights are whatever the sophistry of a panel of Federal judges says that they are, then they are no different than Bloomberg's soda laws or Mohammed's Burqa mandate or ObamaCare's health insurance mandate.

Dearborn Police Chief Ron Haddad (not to be confused with Ron Haddad Jr of Illinois, charged with domestic terrorism) testified that a protest outside an area mosque should not be allowed to take place, because its Imam had told him that it would be worse than a thousand deaths. Presumably three of them would be worse than September 11.

The Muslim Brotherhood's arms in America operate as civil rights groups, and Islamization is a civil rights movement, as much as any of them. Like them, it believes in taking away the right of other people to be left alone, to live and let live and to be treated equally under the law. Like every radical group it is demanding the right not to be investigated by the police, the right not to have its ideology treated as the contemptuously vicious creed that it is, under the "Red-Baiting" or "Islamophobia" clause, and the right to aspire to one day take away everyone else's rights.
61: Solid Lines

Everything in the heavens and earth glorifies God - He is the Almighty, the Wise, You who believe, why do you say things and then not do them? It is most hateful to God that you say things and then do not do them; God truly loves those who fight in solid lines for His cause, like a well-compacted building.

Moses said to his people, "My people, why do you hurt me when you know that I am sent to you by God?" When they went astray, God left their hearts to stray: God does not guide rebellious people. Jesus, son of Mary, said, "Children of Israel, I am sent to you by God, confirming the Torah that came before me and bringing good news of a messenger to follow me whose name will be praised." Yet when he came to them with clear signs, they said, "This is obviously sorcery."

Who could be more wrong than someone who invents lies against God when called to submit to Him? God does not guide the wrongdoers: they wish to put His light out with their mouths. But He will complete His light, even though the disbelievers hate it; it is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to show that it is above all other religions, even though the idolaters hate it.

You who believe, shall I show you a bargain that will save you from painful torment? Have faith in God and His Messenger and struggle for His cause with your possessions and your persons - that is better for you, if you only knew - and He will forgive your sins, admit you into Gardens graced with flowing streams, into pleasant dwellings in the Gardens of Eternity. That is the supreme triumph. And He will give you other things that will please you: His help and an imminent breakthrough. Prophet, give the faithful that good news. You who believe, be God's helpers. As Jesus, son of Mary, said to the disciples, "Who will be my helpers in God's cause?" The disciples said, "We shall be God's helpers." Some of the Children of Israel believed and some disbelieved: We supported the believers against their enemy and they were the ones who came out on top.

Scary stuff right there. GS, why do you think that contained in the sentence regarding the supremacy of the religion of the true God there is a note regarding 'idolaters'? Mohammed does not believe that Christians or Jews are 'idolaters'. More importantly, why do you think David Greenfield decided not to include the entire sentence, opting to leave the part about 'idolaters' out?
61: Solid Lines

Scary stuff right there. GS, why do you think that contained in the sentence regarding the supremacy of the religion of the true God there is a note regarding 'idolaters'? Mohammed does not believe that Christians or Jews are 'idolaters'. More importantly, why do you think David Greenfield decided not to include the entire sentence, opting to leave the part about 'idolaters' out?

Islam teaches that both Jews and Christians are infidels!

I don't know why he left it out other than he had already made his point.

Perhaps you can tell me why the Grand Mosque of Mecca is built around the Kaaba which once housed 360 idols?

Or perhaps you can tell me what is in the Kaaba?

Or why in Mecca the holy city of islam where no nonmuslim is permitted to set foot and to which all muslims are commanded to make at least one pilgrimage and walk around the Kaaba but are never permitted to look inside.

Maybe the Kaaba houses an idol to allah (is that Arabic for baal?), the allah that was a pagan god long before the dispicable false prophet muhammed came along and was never ever associated with Yaweh or Jehova or Jesus his Son before the false words of muhammed.


Finland's Supreme Court Nixes Free Speech About Islam | #1 News Site on the Threat of Radical Islam

Finland's Supreme Court has found a prominent politician guilty of defaming Islam for "Islamophobic" comments he made on his personal blog.

The ruling represents a major setback for free speech in a Europe that is becoming increasingly stifled by politically correct restrictions on free speech, particularly on issues related to Islam and Muslim immigration.

The Helsinki-based Supreme Court ruled on June 8 that Finns Party MP Jussi Kristian Halla-aho was guilty of "inciting hatred against an ethnic group" for blog posts he made in 2008 which compared Islam to paedophilia, and for sarcastic comments which insinuated that immigrants from Somalia are predisposed to stealing and living off welfare.

In its ruling, the court said that hate speech does not fall under the protections afforded by the freedom of speech, even though Halla-aho said his comments were a protest against public policy and not against Islam and Mohammed per se.

Halla-aho, who has become well known in Finland and elsewhere for his well-argued essays criticizing multiculturalism and runaway immigration, was ordered to pay a hefty fine and delete the comments from his blog.

In a blog post in June 2008, Halla-aho wrote that the Islamic prophet Mohammed was a paedophile, and that Islam is a religion of paedophilia because Mohammed had sexual intercourse with his wife, Aisha, when she was only nine years old.

When it gets to the point that our law enforcement agencies that are charged with maintaining law and order can't surveil suspected criminal activity and it is illegal to state facts then it is getting to the point that we should buy a prayer rug and bow down to Mecca five times a day.

Last I checked Turkey was a fully democratic, free state.

In 1939 Germany was a fully democratic state!

The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.
Tayyip Erdogan Prime Minister of Turkey

Erdogan is determined to lead Turkey back to islamic rule and furthermore reinstate the ottoman empire.

Turkish PM Erdogan, in Germany, urges Turks not to assimilate - Jihad Watch

What is striking about this is that whenever there is jihadist unrest in European countries, the mainstream media starts wringing its hands about how the British or French or Germans have not done enough to assimilate Muslim immigrants. That those immigrants are called upon not to assimilate always escapes their notice.

"Erdogan Urges Turks Not to Assimilate," by Özlem Gezer and Anna Reimann in Spiegel Online, February 28 (thanks to C. Cantoni):

Thousands of Turkish immigrants gave Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan a rock star welcome in Germany on Sunday in a show of national pride that remains fervent, even after decades spent in Germany. He told them they remain part of Turkey, and urged them to integrate into German society -- but not to assimilate.
The lyric keeps echoing around the hall in Düsseldorf. "The land belongs to us all." The sentence isn't referring to Germany, but to Turkey.

Immigrants are waving hundreds of Turkish flags and the chanting and the music are deafening. One woman shouts "Turkey is great!" into a microphone to cheers from the crowd. Everyone in the ISS Dome, a huge sports and concert venue, is fired up, as if they're waiting for a rock star. There's only one show in town this Sunday, and his name is Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Some 3 million people of Turkish origin live in Germany, most of them descendants of Turks invited by the government in the 1950s and 1960s as " guest workers" to make up for a shortage of manpower after World War II.

He warns Turks against assimilating themselves. "Yes, integrate yourselves into German society but don't assimilate yourselves. No one has the right to deprive us of our culture and our identity."

His message to devout Muslims is similar. "Islamophobia should be seen in the same way as anti-Semitism," he says....

Yet Erdogan blocked Israel from attending the NATO conference in Chicago and an intergovermental anti-terrorism conference held in Turkey.

You don't think he is talking out of both sides of his mouth do you?

If you think yes then you might be aware of the moslem tactic of taqqiya.
Islam teaches that both Jews and Christians are infidels!

It does (as does Christianity and Judaism); however, how do you get from simply saying that those that do not believe in Allah are disbelievers to saying that those that do not believe in the teachings of Mohammed are idolaters? That is a big leap.

Further, the literal translation is:
It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although those who associate others with Allah dislike it.

I don't know why he left it out other than he had already made his point.

By misrepresenting the text? I guess if that is the only way he can make his point then that is what he must do to continue his Zionist crusade.

Perhaps you can tell me why the Grand Mosque of Mecca is built around the Kaaba which once housed 360 idols?

To demonstrate that the One True God is more powerful than any number of false gods.

Or perhaps you can tell me what is in the Kaaba?

A rock.

Or why in Mecca the holy city of islam where no nonmuslim is permitted to set foot and to which all muslims are commanded to make at least one pilgrimage and walk around the Kaaba but are never permitted to look inside.

They are not permitted to look inside the Kaaba? Really? You might at least want to get your facts straight.

Maybe the Kaaba houses an idol to allah (is that Arabic for baal?), the allah that was a pagan god long before the dispicable false prophet muhammed came along and was never ever associated with Yaweh or Jehova or Jesus his Son before the false words of muhammed.

Maybe the Kaaba does house an idol to Allah; maybe it doesn't. It matters not since the Kaaba is not to be worshiped (for the record, though, it does not house an idol to Allah).

When it gets to the point that our law enforcement agencies that are charged with maintaining law and order can't surveil suspected criminal activity and it is illegal to state facts then it is getting to the point that we should buy a prayer rug and bow down to Mecca five times a day.

Feel free to do whatever you like. I would suggest a less radical change (you get to remain Christian), though, and simply observe the Hours (Eight prescribed daily prayers).
Thanks for admitting moslems are idolaters.

1. You equate infidel and idolater? Thsoe are two different things.
How do you interpret 'kaffir?'

2. We have a difference of opinion on that. For the record, I have to agree with Jewbacca, you really do hate Jews.

3. If allah is the one true god I'm a trillionaire.

4. Weather rock?

5. So everyone is permitted to enter? I doubt it.


6. Foundationally though, islam is built upon pagan idolatry, hence the lunar calendar moon phase start of ramadan. The illiterate muhammed borried heavily from Judaism and Christianity but failed to acknowledge the very most important thing.

7, I 'GET' to remain a Christian?? Get screwed and you can pray to Mecca all you want, you will get your just reward in the end.

Center For Security Policy

Five influential Members of Congress called yesterday for the inspectors general (IGs) of government departments with national security responsibilities to investigate whether their agencies are being subjected to influence operations mounted as part of what the Muslim Brotherhood calls its “civilization jihad.” This initiative holds out hope that a grave, and largely unremarked, threat may thus be recognized and thwarted in time.

In a joint press statement, each of these congressional leaders expressed profound concern about the dangers posed by the Muslim Brotherhood and the need to understand that threat here in the United States. What is more, they cited in their letters evidence of the penetration of Brotherhood operatives and allies inside the Obama administration, and examples of policies that appear to have been influenced as a result.

The legislators explicitly draw upon documentation of that evidence contained in Parts 8 and 9 the Center for Security Policy’s new, ten-part online video curriculum: The Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Enemy Within (The Muslim Brotherhood in America | A Course in 10 Parts Presented by Frank Gaffney).

Article III, Section 3, Paragraph 1, of the Constitution of the United States:
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or, in adhering to their Enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

The president's strategy is absolutely clear about the threat we face. Our enemy is not terrorism because terrorism is but a tactic. Our enemy is not terror because terror is a state of mind and, as Americans, we refuse to live in fear. Nor do we describe our enemy as jihadists or Islamists because jihad is holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam meaning to purify oneself or one's community."
-- May 26, 2010, John Brennan, Assistant to the President

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