Jimmy goes to Cuba.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
If you have even an inkling of a doubt that Carter is a subversive, two faced, lying bastid, then you should read the following article in full, lots of details of which you may not know.

FONTOVA: Jimmy Carter does Havana - Washington Times

Jimmy Carter earned all this warmth, esteem and joviality from Cuba’s Stalinist rulers by doing everything within his power to dismantle the so-called embargo against them. “The embargo of Cuba is the stupidest law ever passed in the U.S.”, he said in 2002. And yet, as president, Mr. Carter imposed more economic sanctions against more nations than any other American president in modern history. These sanctions were against Chile, Iran, Rhodesia, Nicaragua, South Africa, Paraguay and Uruguay. Mr. Carter was extremely selective in imposing his sanctions - let’s give him that. He was careful to punish only U.S. allies.


Two of a kind.
I agree with Carter that the Cuban sanction is idiotic.

But Carter is an idiot for sanctioning all those other countries as well. It's never a good idea.

"When goods do not cross borders, soldiers will" - Bastiat

Trade with everybody. Free trade with everyone is the way to world peace. Most countries aren't interested in going to war with others that are helping them increase their wealth.
Carter and Castro together again. I bet utgibbs is out behind his woodshed spanking his gorilla over the thought of those two intellectual giants in the same room.
Carter and Castro together again. I bet utgibbs is out behind his woodshed spanking his gorilla over the thought of those two intellectual giants in the same room.

He is studying up on just how Fidel and company benefited the hellhole known as Angola.

I agree with Carter that the Cuban sanction is idiotic.

But Carter is an idiot for sanctioning all those other countries as well. It's never a good idea.

"When goods do not cross borders, soldiers will" - Bastiat

Trade with everybody. Free trade with everyone is the way to world peace. Most countries aren't interested in going to war with others that are helping them increase their wealth.

Given the facts that is a pretty ignorant attitude.

Read this: (the whole thing)


..... according to figures from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. transacted $710 million worth of business with Cuba in 2008, and has transacted more than $2 billion worth of business with Cuba in the last decade. Currently the U.S. is Cuba's biggest food supplier and 5th biggest import partner. Furthermore, the U.S. has been Cuba's biggest donor of humanitarian aid including medicine and medical supplies for decades.

All this together with the almost $2 billion a year in remittances [4] sent from the U.S. ranks our nation right between Red China and Hugo's Venezuela as a Castro business partner.

Enacted by the Bush team in 2001, this cash-up-front policy has kept the U.S. taxpayer among the few in the world not screwed and tattooed by Fidel Castro.

Even Russia, who kept them afloat for many decades, has washed their hands of the thieving Castro brothers and their band of nitwits, they gave them something like $50 million a while back and realized those losers are never going to do any better than their sorry history indicates.

And don't think for even one heartbeat that everything is shared equally down there and there are no slums or racial practices carried on that are worse than it was before the Castros and Guevara scammed there way to power!!
And don't think for even one heartbeat that everything is shared equally down there and there are no slums or racial practices carried on that are worse than it was before the Castros and Guevara scammed there way to power!!

Ummm, if we openly traded with them you think that the people on the bottom would be hurting so much? Obviously embargoes don't hurt the power of the aristocracy.

I'm not condoning in any way the establishment of Cuba. Alls I'm saying is both countries would be more prosperous if we openly traded. And I could have some nice cigars.
Ummm, if we openly traded with them you think that the people on the bottom would be hurting so much? Obviously embargoes don't hurt the power of the aristocracy.

I'm not condoning in any way the establishment of Cuba. Alls I'm saying is both countries would be more prosperous if we openly traded. And I could have some nice cigars.

My thoughts exactly. I know my dad would love any new markets for his corn and beans.
Wow. We finally agree. Habitat For Humanity is the most subversive, insidious organization since the Jews for Jesus coalition!
Ummm, if we openly traded with them you think that the people on the bottom would be hurting so much? Obviously embargoes don't hurt the power of the aristocracy.

I'm not condoning in any way the establishment of Cuba. Alls I'm saying is both countries would be more prosperous if we openly traded. And I could have some nice cigars.

No, I don't believe so.

Especially in light of what is contained in my original post, the amount of dallars he receives from tourists is staggering, yet the country still languishes in poverty because of it's syle of government that has always failed throughout history.

And even then people are allowed to see the better areas and forbidden to visit or photograph slums.

Good point about sham embargoes not bringing about political change.

Obvioulsy there are others who still pucker up when Jimmy walks by but I suggest that someone wouldn't have any corn and beans to sell if a Carter style statist government were established in the USA, then the corn and beans would belong to the state and the grower would get whatever the state wanted to give him.

A photo op with some doofus holding hammer doth not a carpenter make, nor does it make him a humanitarian and if he spends most of his time supporting the most inhuman tyrants in the world then his actions make him just the opposite of the image he projects.
Fidel Castro - Reparations

Ever since Castro came to power in 1959, Cubans have been denied the right to travel freely in and out of their country. They have not had the right of free association, nor of forming political parties, independent unions, or any religious and cultural organizations. Freedom of expression has been non-existent, and the regime has consistently controlled and censored the means of publications, radio, television, and film.

Since 1959, more than 100,000 Cubans have experienced life in Cuba’s prisons or forced labor camps for their political beliefs.

Cuban communism has never quite lived up to its ideal of "equality." The ruling cadres live like millionaires, lacking for nothing: automobiles, fine foods, an abundance of stylish clothing -- distributed in closely guarded "Party" shops. The communist elites live in luxury, freely patronizing tourist shops and restaurants that take only American dollars. Yet the regime has a long record of sending average Cubans caught with American currency to jail.

Ordinary Cubans live in utter poverty. Food is tightly rationed for the average citizen. The shelves in the stores are empty. Teachers and doctors now drive taxis or work as waiters to feed their families. Ordinary Cubans are not permitted inside the hotels for tourists and Party functionaries, and, of course, there are police inside every such hotel to ensure that the citizens do not enter.

Cuba has gone from being one of the richest Latin American countries -- before the 1959 communist revolution -- to being one of the poorest. Because of Castro's belief in "socialism or death," Cuba is now a beggar nation. The $5-billion-a-year Soviet subsidy that just barely kept the Cuban economy afloat throughout the Cold War is long gone.

Thus, Cubans have voted with their feet. Out of 11 million Cuban citizens, approximately 2 million have escaped their country. Many of them have done so by jumping on rafts in shark-infested waters. Tens of thousands have lost their lives in this effort. Castro has ensured the high death rate of potential escapees by sending helicopters to drop sandbags onto their rafts, or to just gun them all down -- including the women and children.

Like Hitler and Stalin, Fidel has succeeded in masterminding a ruthless tyranny.


Child Prostitution - Cuba

Tourism can also be thanked for creating thousands of jobs in the sex trade. ECPAT’s study, Child Prostitution and Sex Tourism: Cuba says, "In Cuba, the link between tourism and prostitution is perhaps more direct than in any other country that hosts sex tourists." A higher ratio of tourists are drawn to Cuba for prostitution – rather than for the beaches, the shopping or the cultural experience – than to any other country in the world.

Europeans took over where the Soviets left off: They showered him with aid, investment, and tourism. Under-age prostitution is not the least of the delights of Castro’s island. It pulls ‘em in by the planeload.

According to one report, Cuba is one of many countries that have replaced Southeast Asia as a destination for pedophiles and sex tourists. This trend is attributed to a concurrent drop in political restrictions on travel to Cuba and a crackdown on sex tourism in Southeast Asia, causing sex tourists to seek alternative destinations. In addition, Canadian and American tourists have contributed to a sharp increase in child prostitution and in the exploitation of women in Cuba. Canadian sex tourism is cited as being largely responsible for the revival of Havana brothels and child prostitution.
I see gsvol is still dishing the propaganda of some well known terrorist organizations operating on US soil. Gsvol, are you on the CANF payroll? Do you have an Omega-7 membership patch? (don't answer, I don't want the Feds to roll up on your door)

Could you elaborate on the forced labor camps, please? Are you talking about La Zafra?

#1 United States 715 prisoners per 100,000.

Cuba has 55 prisoners of conscience in 2010 (all recently released), according to AI. They executed no prisoners (although 3 were on death row, all commuted by Raul).

US has 198 prisoners of conscience (ironically most detained in Guantanamo), according to AI, along with strong evidence of other secret facilities dotted throughout the world. There is strong evidence of pervasive use of torture. 47 people were killed by "less-than-lethal" police armaments. 52 prisoners were executed.
I see gsvol is still dishing the propaganda of some well known terrorist organizations operating on US soil. Gsvol, are you on the CANF payroll? Do you have an Omega-7 membership patch? (don't answer, I don't want the Feds to roll up on your door)

Could you elaborate on the forced labor camps, please? Are you talking about La Zafra?

#1 United States 715 prisoners per 100,000.

Cuba has 55 prisoners of conscience in 2010 (all recently released), according to AI. They executed no prisoners (although 3 were on death row, all commuted by Raul).

US has 198 prisoners of conscience (ironically most detained in Guantanamo), according to AI, along with strong evidence of other secret facilities dotted throughout the world. There is strong evidence of pervasive use of torture. 47 people were killed by "less-than-lethal" police armaments. 52 prisoners were executed.

That's right, I completely forgot how nice are the places to live where there is a Stalinist socialist dictatorship, the economy always booms, human rights are the best in the world and one can always speak their minds without fear of repercussion.

Oh wait, I forgot about those sweethearts we are detaining in Guantanamo, we should give them all awards for their conscientious behavior or is that contentious behavior?

My Dad was a prisoner in Castro's Isla de Pina prison. It was used mostly for political dissidents, but it was also used for captured mafia-types (of which my Dad was one) whom the CIA recruited to help destabilize the burgeoning Castro regime. He would only confirm that he was imprisoned there and that it took State Department intervention to get him out.
My Dad was a prisoner in Castro's Isla de Pina prison. It was used mostly for political dissidents, but it was also used for captured mafia-types (of which my Dad was one) whom the CIA recruited to help destabilize the burgeoning Castro regime. He would only confirm that he was imprisoned there and that it took State Department intervention to get him out.

Wow. And I was about to accuse gsvol of being captured at Playa Giron!

Could you give us any more elaboration? That is fascinating. I take it this was in the 1960s. What activities did your Dad foment? Is he mentioned in any of the documents (like Alleged Assassinations)? How was he recruited for this mission? Why did he accept it?

Fascinating. Tell me more. PM if you don't want to make it public.
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I've been contemplating a FOIA request through the State Department and perhaps the CIA.

My Dad didn't reveal any further information, other than to confirm that he was there. Sadly, he has passed away, so I may never know what his actions in Cuba were. Obviously, the CIA's effort failed.
I see gsvol is still dishing the propaganda of some well known terrorist organizations operating on US soil. Gsvol, are you on the CANF payroll? Do you have an Omega-7 membership patch? (don't answer, I don't want the Feds to roll up on your door)

Could you elaborate on the forced labor camps, please? Are you talking about La Zafra?

#1 United States 715 prisoners per 100,000.

Cuba has 55 prisoners of conscience in 2010 (all recently released), according to AI. They executed no prisoners (although 3 were on death row, all commuted by Raul).

US has 198 prisoners of conscience (ironically most detained in Guantanamo), according to AI, along with strong evidence of other secret facilities dotted throughout the world. There is strong evidence of pervasive use of torture. 47 people were killed by "less-than-lethal" police armaments. 52 prisoners were executed.

I would be wlling to wager my pay for a year that the majority of those "prisoners of conscience" detained at GitMo, enduring the tortutures now of playing the Wii and watching the latest Twilight movie(actually that is inhumane) would think it a commendable act to strap a explosive device on, in the name of mohammed of course , and hurt your family without a second thought. It is an ugly world my friend.
I would be wlling to wager my pay for a year that the majority of those "prisoners of conscience" detained at GitMo, enduring the tortutures now of playing the Wii and watching the latest Twilight movie(actually that is inhumane) would think it a commendable act to strap a explosive device on, in the name of mohammed of course , and hurt your family without a second thought. It is an ugly world my friend.

I've been at the pointy end poking the underbelly of the "ugly world" actually.

However, even if your assessment on what would happen if we released everyone in Gitmo were true (and nothing to date suggests it is), they have been detained there (without Wiis) against every principle of justice this country has built its reputation upon.
I've been at the pointy end poking the underbelly of the "ugly world" actually.

However, even if your assessment on what would happen if we released everyone in Gitmo were true (and nothing to date suggests it is), they have been detained there (without Wiis) against every principle of justice this country has built its reputation upon.

I respectfully disagree , can you find me all the proud, flag waving, freedom loving American Muslims, PC or not they are rare if exist at all, but maybe i am wrong, but i have zero evidence to the contrary.
My point of view is it is us versus them, terrorist, and if those beautiful children on your avatar were in danger and you had to cheat, lie, steal , torture,kill to protect them i bet you would. I must admit i have not been to Gitmo to see what happens but i would be willing to make the same bet as before their prisons are worse.
I respectfully disagree , can you find me all the proud, flag waving, freedom loving American Muslims, PC or not they are rare if exist at all, but maybe i am wrong, but i have zero evidence to the contrary.
My point of view is it is us versus them, terrorist, and if those beautiful children on your avatar were in danger and you had to cheat, lie, steal , torture,kill to protect them i bet you would. I must admit i have not been to Gitmo to see what happens but i would be willing to make the same bet as before their prisons are worse.

If you are in Knoxville, I can point you towards a mosque full of freedom loving American Muslims within an easy walk of UT campus.
I respectfully disagree , can you find me all the proud, flag waving, freedom loving American Muslims, PC or not they are rare if exist at all, but maybe i am wrong, but i have zero evidence to the contrary.
My point of view is it is us versus them, terrorist, and if those beautiful children on your avatar were in danger and you had to cheat, lie, steal , torture,kill to protect them i bet you would. I must admit i have not been to Gitmo to see what happens but i would be willing to make the same bet as before their prisons are worse.

Why does one have to wave a flag to be freedom loving?
If you are in Knoxville, I can point you towards a mosque full of freedom loving American Muslims within an easy walk of UT campus.

I am not trying to be a bad guy but I would just like to see 1 denounce the senseless violence and be proud of their country.I mean can you not understand my viewpoint.
I am not trying to be a bad guy but I would just like to see 1 denounce the senseless violence and be proud of their country.I mean can you not understand my viewpoint.

That won't be hard. Try google. Many have denounced violence and expressed pride in America.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
That won't be hard. Try google. Many have denounced violence and expressed pride in America.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I can google and find 2 girls and a cup also but i think that too is the exception in how woman express their feelings for one another not the norm.

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