John Beilein...



Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
is really, really good. Working his magic at yet another stop. With he, Crean, and Tubby added to Izzo and Ryan, the Big 10 will be back on its feet sooner than later.
I'm a Beilein fan. His brand of ball is a bit different than what you'd expect from a top flight coach, but he gets it done and his players really love playing for him.
Beilein emphasizes court discipline and that helps make him successful wherever he goes. The movement on offense by his teams is always synchronized and gives other teams fits, no matter if they are in zone or playing man. Michigan could be a Big Tenleven contender in no time at all.
I love his style of play. As a former player and wanna b future coach at some level, I love the 1-3-1 defense. I have a soft spot for this guy too. Seems like a good guy. Maybe he will get Michigan turned around.
me thinks the pac-10 wont be very good this year.
The PAC 10 has serious problems. If your guys had any inside game at all, Monty would have them in the top half of that motley bunch. He may do it anyway.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
The PAC 10 has serious problems. If your guys had any inside game at all, Monty would have them in the top half of that motley bunch. He may do it anyway.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

yup. in anderson returned i'd venture we'd be a lock tourney team. kamp might turn out to be a capable post player once he get's healthy. we're already clearly a much better fundamentally sound team. it is nice to see actual plays ran on offense and defense rather than the ben braun style offense of pass the ball around the perimeter and then shoot an off balance 3 as the shot clock expires.
yup. in anderson returned i'd venture we'd be a lock tourney team. kamp might turn out to be a capable post player once he get's healthy. we're already clearly a much better fundamentally sound team. it is nice to see actual plays ran on offense and defense rather than the ben braun style offense of pass the ball around the perimeter and then shoot an off balance 3 as the shot clock expires.
While I think Braun is a better coach than you do, there's no debate Monty is a huge upgrade.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
yup. in anderson returned i'd venture we'd be a lock tourney team. kamp might turn out to be a capable post player once he get's healthy. we're already clearly a much better fundamentally sound team. it is nice to see actual plays ran on offense and defense rather than the ben braun style offense of pass the ball around the perimeter and then shoot an off balance 3 as the shot clock expires.
Kentucky beat us with that offense last season and almost did a second time.
his graduation rate at cal was pretty pathetic. at rice that might not fly.
The admissions standards at Rice pretty much take that out of the coach's hands. If a kid has the numbers that make him a predictor there, it's safe to assume they'll graduate.

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