"So will the republic stand or fall on whether John [Brennan] retains his access to classified information, or mine or any others that were named? Of course not. The larger issue here, to me, throughout has been an infringement of First Amendment rights. And I think people ought to think seriously about that."
More pettiness by the infant in the White House. He only sees people through a lens that either support him unconditionally vs. those that are critical of him. It's that black and white - there is no nuance with orange knucklehead. He continues to divide instead of unite. The funny thing is that Brennan will still be critical of him, he doesn't need Intel Briefings to articulate this disaster of an Administration.
Donny showed him! Now he won't be able to attend all the classified pinochle games in his retirement, right?
Or since he no longer serves in a role requiring a clearance and additionally has shown to leak classified information he shouldn’t have a damn clearance? Doesn’t fit the narrative?
Any normal person acts like Comey, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe and they’re thrown in jail. That’s the rules. Remember than contractor chic with the season name? Summer something that worked at Booz Allen? THATS the real world response. Not a political contributor gig on CNN.
Dance for me.
I won't disagree that he doesn't need it if you won't disagree that this purely a middle finger.
I expect a better response from you.
Why should anyone not still government employed keep clearance?