John Ward



Senior Member
Aug 12, 2005
I'm a new poster. Used to live in Cherokee County, NC (most western county) and was able to get Vol radio broadcasts. When the Vols were on tv, I'd turn off the sound and turn on the radio to listen to John call the game. It absolutely broke my heart when he retired. He was the BEST! So I just wonder if there are any video's (dvd or vhs) of great Vol games with Johns play-by- play dubbed in. If there are some, does anybody know where can I get one (or two or ten)? If they don't exist, why doesn't some company with the disire to make a bale of money put some together for sale? If not complete games, just a collection of great plays with John calling the action. I have many videos of Tennessee games which sustain me during the winter and spring but no audio tapes of john.
Most of the videos that you buy from the University (Host Communications) have games/plays with Ward doing the play by play. I just watched "Decade of Dominance" yesterday. I think there is one just out of the 85 Sugar Bowl.
Originally posted by vol_freak@Aug 14, 2005 12:06 PM
Most of the videos that you buy from the University (Host Communications) have games/plays with Ward doing the play by play. I just watched "Decade of Dominance" yesterday. I think there is one just out of the 85 Sugar Bowl.

Thanks, are they on the UT website?
John Ward was the best.

You dont realize how good someone is until they leave.
Bob Kesling does try, but he just doesn't have that "oomph" that John Ward had.

I think John Ward should be asked to call all Homecoming games.

i agree.

bob kesling was good as a local sportscaster on tv, but as a play by play man i was disappointed.

of course how do you fill someone's shoes as big as john wards??

"Give him six. TOUCHDOWN BIG ORANGE!!!!"
Blob (intentional typo) has gotten better over the past few years, but no one will compare to John.

The only guy who probably could have replaced him and possibly come close is Mike Keith, but the damn Tit-uns stole him away.
I just flat out miss the expierience on a deep level. He truly WAS the voice of the Vols!
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Aug 14, 2005 12:36 PM
Have you seen this, wncvol?

Welcome to the board, by the way. We are glad you found us.

Thanks to everybody who replied to my post and also thanks for making me feel welcome to the board. I'm an old guy in my 60's who's watched a lot of Tennessee football. Not a Tennessee alumnus, went to a non football college. I picked the Vols as my team many years ago when they were one of the last teams to run the old single wing. Now that was a long time ago! Try to get over to Neyland about twice a year and got to see the the Vols kill Ohio State and Eddie George in the Citrus bowl. Really miss John Ward. Special thanks to Lady in Orange for the E-bay info. Will try to order tonight. Thanks again, everybody. Go Smokey!!
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Aug 14, 2005 5:17 PM
"Willie Gault, ladies and gentlemen, is running ALLLL the way to the state capital."

"He's at the 20, the 15, the 10, the 5, the 4, the 3, the 2, the one! Gve-him-six!......... Touchdown, Tenn-O-seeeee!

Or how about "The kick is up, ( a short silence followed by)....NO...SIR....EEE! NO....SIR....EEE! Tenn-o-seeee has defeated the Florida Gators.

OK, Enough of my rambling. Going to Ebay.
No one can ever say. "Its Football time in Tennessee" and you say "Amen" get a lump in the throat, tear in the eye, pep in your step.

Like John Ward........ :bow:
Originally posted by vol_freak@Aug 14, 2005 12:06 PM
Most of the videos that you buy from the University (Host Communications) have games/plays with Ward doing the play by play. I just watched "Decade of Dominance" yesterday. I think there is one just out of the 85 Sugar Bowl.

Not to long after the national championship i got a video called "the voice" and its a movie dedicated to john ward. Its absolutely incredible. It tells how he got started and interviews him while he tells pretty much his life story. Its a must if you like john ward. Also i saw you all quoting john....the best one of all still is...

"the kick is up... the kick is....NO SIRRR-EEE.... NOOO SIRRR-EEE ... FINAL SCORE, TENNESSE 20 FLORIDA 17 ... PANDAMONIUM RAINS"

and then later that season ...

"here comes people from everywhere, here comes media from everywhere, You can count it down with us .. 5... 4... 3... 2...1 the national champion is CLAD in big ORANGE"
I just love the song Kenny did for John Ward when he retired called Touchdown Tennessee! And everybody is right nobody will ever do it like John Ward. I just remember being in the car with my parents when I was a young kid listening to him call the game was almost better than being there. " He's at the 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 he carries the ball for WHAT? TOUCHDOWN BIG ORANGE! Phillips running through, around, over and underneath defenders for South Carolina takes the ball all the way home for a miracoulous Touchdown!"
I'm over Kenny Chesney. He was in my friend's wife's In Style magazine a couple of months ago with a BAMMER shirt on. I wish I could find a link for proof, but of course, I can't.
Originally posted by orangetd88@Aug 15, 2005 9:30 PM
I'm over Kenny Chesney.  He was in my friend's wife's In Style magazine a couple of months ago with a BAMMER shirt on.  I wish I could find a link for proof, but of course, I can't.

What kind of hat is this?? Atlanta or Whaalabama?



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Speaking of the Atlanta A, as a Braves fan, it really annoys me that bammer stole the A and put that ugly crimson around it.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Aug 14, 2005 12:36 PM
Have you seen this, wncvol?

Welcome to the board, by the way. We are glad you found us.

:yahoo: Thanks LIO, I went to EBAY, got "The voice and Give Him Six"
It came today. Just watched it and really enjoyed it. Thank you, thank you, thankyou!


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