Johnathan Johnson injured?



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
So what's wrong with Jonhson? What did I miss?

Vol slot receiver Johnathan Johnson and Vol linebacker Curt Maggitt aren't dressed to play as the Vols warm up.
Butch's practices this week must have been brutal. Johnson, Pig and Ayres all injured.
Butch's practices this week must have been brutal. Johnson, Pig and Ayres all injured.

Considering Young is already out, our slot recievers are dropping like flies.
This is going to make today a longgggg day. We are already thin and now this.

Damn it
#Vols will be thin in the slot with Devrin Young and Johnathon Johnson out and Pig Howard probably not 100 percent. Vincent Dallas time.

Patrick Brown.

Butch is talking about the slot on the pregame. Said "we've been devastated this week in the slot". Dallas is going to need to step up.
Are we still fielding a team?!

Sounds like Butch has been running practice like my old wrestling coach back in the day "Boys, if you can survive the practices, the actual match will be cake"
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