Johnny Long



VN's One and Only
Nov 8, 2004
Who else thinks that long isn't pulling his weight with our players. It seems like half our team is injured. :banghead:
Not me . . . Large people moving at high speeds and running into one another are going to get banged up. Sometimes we have good luck with injuries and sometimes we don't. There's just no way around it.

Until I get my degree in Kiniesiology, I think I'll steer clear of criticizing the Strength Coach. :idea:
His training program has nothing to do with the injuries our team is facing. Johnny Long runs a fantastic program and we would be in bad shape without him. When so many programs around the country hire people to run their programs, from our program, that speaks a lot.
I think injuries are about the only thing left to talk about between now and the O&W game, so any little sprain or bruise is gonna be written up. I sometimes think the media plays up the injury thing so later on in the season they can either brag about how the team overcame injuries to reach success, or to explain away a season that didn't exactly meet expectations. Just my opinion. Probably wrong, too. :p
Thanks. How are the Titans gonna do this year? Reckon they can win more than 4 games ?


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