Johnson arrested and suspended indefinitely

:withstupid: :withstupid: :withstupid: :withstupid:

Just what we needed in the secondary. :shakehead:
Chris Heath has be removed from the team and while Johnson is suspended I wouldn't look for him to ever wear the Orange again.
You never know this may be a blessing in disguise. There may be a player on the bench thats just the right guy at just the right time. In the early 80's something similar happened to a vols DB....and in stepped a guy, I believe his name was safety....led the nation in interceptions that year :thumbsup:
Gang bangin in Knoxvegas, unfreakinbelievable!

Let's have a great game and fire hand guns in the air!

:shakehead: :banghead:
What is it with these kids nowadays? When I was a kid in the 70's, toting a gun was not in my vocabulary.
Let's just do like Zook and suspend him for the Kentucky and Vandy game only. :gun:
Originally posted by AtomicCityPitbulls@Oct 19, 2004 6:55 AM
The guy who needs to get his head outta his @s% is Campbell.

I agree, Campbell was on the 2003 Coaches' All-SEC freshman team. He made 3 starts last season. Duke, Miami, and Miss St.

He had 11 tackles and an interception against Alabama last season.

Also had 11 tackles against Duke.... 4 tackles against Miami.... 5 tackles against Miss. St. Picked off David Greene in the end zone last year.

So far this season, he's only got 7 tackles. He has not made a stop since the LT game. His only interception was against UNLV.
head in ass thinkin bout stuff that aint got nothin to do with tennessee volunteers or his hes got all the time in the world to be a thug...get gold teeth...etc :flush:
THUGS. I hope they both go to jail.


Originally posted by GoTide@Oct 19, 2004 9:19 AM
What is it with these kids nowadays? When I was a kid in the 70's, toting a gun was not in my vocabulary.

So true.
This is an alarming and discouraging trend that seems to have plagued both collegiate and professional sports. The problem I see is that you take some often underprivileged kids and you make them superheroes. Look -- you don't have to be the star QB to be a stud on campus. You get favors, you make friends (often for the wrong reasons), girls surround you, and teachers give you special treatment. All of a sudden, a 19-year-old kid becomes invincible. Next thing you know, you're telling off a cop in the gas station parking lot, showing off your gun (which you wouldn't need if you weren't already in the wrong crowd), and dealing drugs (oh, I'm sorry, helping a friend get some that you were in NO way going to be around or do yourself). . . .

At some point, we have to realize that it's our society that creates this kind of stardom and awe. They are just kids. A bunch of thugs and punks who just so happen to be fast and able to catch a football. Until we focus on educating them to be responsible and parents start raising them with a stronger moral upbringing, the likes of Kobe and Jamal will continue to fall prey to the temptations that WE provide, day in and day out.

Hey, these cats are still eligible for transfer to Miami, right?

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