You're wearing me out! But ok.
1. There was a clip from the broadcast tweeted after our Mizzou game of the Mizzou-alum announcer bragging on what Drinkwitz did as it happened, but I can't find it. I quoted his words verbatim here:
#115,631. You can find this somewhere in the replay of the game that Freak posted, if you want to look, here:
#1. The Mizzou announcer raved approvingly about Drinkwitz multiple times.
2. The tweet containing the fictional embellished account of the event, posted by RG West is here:
#115,245. You will notice that the poster expresses sardonic skepticism in introducing the post. That's because RGW and his trolling is well known in the RF.
3. You can see the kind of thing RGW does, here:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1760137238959341863|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=
4. You can see someone on twitter has picked up RGW's tweet without attribution or understanding that it is a troll and is repeating it. That's how it spreads. Here:
5. Tweets circulated of Drinkwitz holding a sign about infractions, but they were not from our game. They were from Mizzou's 2022 game with Kansas.
#115,240. But it does testify to Drinkwitz' behavior of talking sh-t to other teams as a spectator at games.
6. Finally, you can see that parodies of Drinkwitz's sign start to roll in after our game. I like this one:
You owe me.