Journ-O-List: Liberal Media Meeting Ground


Tenacious D

Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2008
Despite my typically conservative views, and the fact that most members of the media are left-leaning at best, I've always dismissed the notion that the media was disruptively biased toward one side or the other.

Then I ran across Tucker Carlson's, "Daily Caller" - and his reporting on the discovery of an exclusive underground list-serv site, entirely comprised of liberal members of the mainstream media, politicos and other think tank members. According to its originator, Ezra Klein, the site was comprised of and intended for, "several hundred left-leaning bloggers, political reporters, magazine writers, policy wonks and academics". Posts within JournoList were intended only be made and read by its (liberal)members, and never made public.

Notably, Klein defended his decision to strictly forbid and prevent the inclusion of other Conservative members, saying that it ensured "that folks feel safe giving off-the-cuff analysis and instant reactions".

The information which was supplied on this site clearly shows a coordinated and intentioned effort to not only spin the news, but to do so in a concerted effort to shape both public opinion and our last presidential election (guess who they supported).

Amongst the claims made by members of the site:
  • Squelching the Jeremiah Wright story, at the height of the Democratic Primary, as it was hurting (then) Senator Obama's candidacy
  • Spencer Ackerman of The Washington Independent, stated "If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they've put upon us. Instead, take one of them – Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares –- and call them racists".
  • Ackerman was also quoted as saying, "find a right winger’s [sic] and smash it through a plate-glass window. Take a snapshot of the bleeding mess and send it out in a Christmas card to let the right know that it needs to live in a state of constant fear. Obviously, I mean this rhetorically."
  • A UCLA law professor suggested that the gov't simply refuse to renew Fox News' FCC license, removing them from the air
  • Sarah Spitz, a producer for a public affairs radio program at a National Public Radio affiliate station, wrote that she would laugh if she saw conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh have a heart attack in front of her.
  • Jeffrey Toobin, journalist at The New Yorker and CNN, wrote regarding the pick of Sarah Palin as running mate to John McCain, “what a joke...I always thought that some part of McCain doesn’t want to be president, and this choice proves my point. Welcome back, Admiral Stockdale."
  • The site was unceremoniously shut down in June of 2010, only a few short weeks before its existence - and content - was made public on the Daily Caller.
  • A newer site, "Cabalist" was subsequently launched as a secondary home for those displaced from Journolist. It was, however, publicly exposed only a few short weeks after its formation....and it had already grown to more than 170+ contributing members in that short time.
Here's a link for those interested in learning more:
JournoList | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

And before LG throws out the allegation that this is some "right-wing conspiracy" here's a link to an article originally printed in the uber-liberal New York Post on July 25th, 2010, entitled, "The Fix Was In":

The fix was in -
Wasn't this from a while ago?

I believe it is but it certainly does seem to show a concerted effort by the media to use their medium to steer political discourse in favor of one party. A big no-no when it comes to the integrity of journalism.

It is just one of the reasons that ABC, CBS and NBC news is tanking and people are moving to the cable news, they were supposed to be objective but nobody believed it anymore so they went with the networks who were up front and displayed their bias openly.

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