JUCO DTs & DEs...


General Jack

Sep 28, 2004
I don't keep up with recruiting as much as some of you guys so excuse me if the answer if obvious... but why aren't we going after any quality JUCO D linemen... guys that could contribute immediately ala Jessie Mahelona, Chuck Smith, Chris Mimms... etc. Are there just not many good ones out there this year?

The way our D is shaping up... it seems like we're only a couple of good d linemen away from having a truly outstanding defense. I'm frustrated that we still don't have some true studs on the d line.
I think it is very hard to find quality D-linemen. And I don't think we are the only team that is having a hard time.
Actually, there are a couple who have us on their list, but I don't know how good of standings we are in with them.

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