Judge Rules Civil Suits Can Proceed Against Trump for 1/6 Speech



Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!
Jun 28, 2019
Civil lawsuits seeking to hold Donald Trump accountable for the January 6, 2021, insurrection can move forward in court, a federal judge said Friday in a ruling outlining how the former President could conceivably be responsible for inciting the attack on the US Capitol.

Trump’s statements to his supporters before the riot “is the essence of civil conspiracy,” Judge Amit Mehta wrote in a 112-page opinion, because Trump spoke about himself and rallygoers working “towards a common goal” of fighting and walking down Pennsylvania Avenue.

“The President’s January 6 Rally Speech can reasonably be viewed as a call for collective action,” Mehta said.

“When the President said to the crowd at the end of his remarks, ‘We fight. We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,’ moments before instructing them to march to the Capitol, the President’s speech plausibly crossed the line into unprotected territory,” Mehta wrote.

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Will Trump escape accountability once again? Probably.

Regardless, the Judge is right. Trump conspired with his dumb rioter buddies. Would love to ultimately see a huge lump-sum fine imposed against Trump, because let's face it, money is the only thing Trump really cares about anyway.
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how this guy isn't in a McDonald's induced coma is beyond me, but i wish he'd disappear
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Civil lawsuits seeking to hold Donald Trump accountable for the January 6, 2021, insurrection can move forward in court, a federal judge said Friday in a ruling outlining how the former President could conceivably be responsible for inciting the attack on the US Capitol.

Trump’s statements to his supporters before the riot “is the essence of civil conspiracy,” Judge Amit Mehta wrote in a 112-page opinion, because Trump spoke about himself and rallygoers working “towards a common goal” of fighting and walking down Pennsylvania Avenue.

“The President’s January 6 Rally Speech can reasonably be viewed as a call for collective action,” Mehta said.

“When the President said to the crowd at the end of his remarks, ‘We fight. We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,’ moments before instructing them to march to the Capitol, the President’s speech plausibly crossed the line into unprotected territory,” Mehta wrote.

# # #

Will Trump escape accountability once again? Probably.

Regardless, the Judge is right. Trump conspired with his dumb rioter buddies. Would love to ultimately see a huge lump-sum fine imposed against Trump, because let's face it, money is the only thing Trump really cares about anyway.

Can we lump in Maxine and the radicals as well?
Far more damage was done to our nation's governance with the faux Russian conspiracy than the 1/6 protests

Trumpsters gonna Trumpster.

Meanwhile, in the real world...

John Durham says 'members of the media' may have 'misinterpreted' claims he made in a recent court filing

Fri, February 18, 2022

The special counsel John Durham said in a new court filing that "members of the media" may have "misinterpreted" claims that he made in a previous filing.

The acknowledgment in Thursday's filing came as former President Donald Trump and the right-wing media falsely claim that an earlier filing from Durham definitively proves that the Hillary Clinton campaign "illegally spied" on Trump in 2016 and 2017.
This is just more deflection away from a terrible failed Biden presidency in just one year.
No one can bring America down to it's knees faster than a Democrat that's in Office.
Potato Head Biden is the worst president that ever went into the Oval Office & sat down.

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