July 9th: Racist Insurrectionists In Sri Lanka



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
Peaceful Protests

Sir Lanka Protesters Storm President's House Amid Economic Meltdown | ZeroHedge

Thousands of protesters stormed Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa's official residence as part of an anti-government demonstration calling for his resignation following the country's economic collapse.

Demonstrators marched to Sri Lanka's commercial capital of Colombo early Saturday. They jumped security fences surrounding the residence and overran the president's security forces. Rajapaksa was evacuated from the palace around 1000 local time, his secretary Gamini Senarath told Bloomberg.
If the British had continued to rule Ceylon this would not be happening.

Well, until the Ceylons launched a surprise attack, sinking all the Royal Navy battleships except for HMS Galactica, which spends the immediate years afterwards trying to make it to the once-upon-a-time safe harbor of Scapa Flow while being chased by Ceylons.
The fake news surrounding this story is ridiculous.

Valuables? Those suitcases clearly just contain one set of clothes and the complete set of Greta Thunberg's written work.
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An uprising Fuelled by Green Madness... Let the West Beware: The anarchic scenes in Sri Lanka are a lesson for all governments in pursuing an economically illiterate agenda, says MARK ALMOND

The anarchic scenes in Sri Lanka are enough to make the blood of any world leader run cold. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s residence overrun by furious protesters. Crowds cavorting on his four-poster bed and in his swimming pool and gym. Sections of the Prime Minister’s home in flames.

This burning building not only serves as a symbolic funeral pyre for Rajapaksa’s government. It is a smouldering lesson for all governments in pursuing an economically illiterate green agenda at the expense of common sense.

Make no mistake: The roots of this chaos can be traced to Rajapaksa’s wrong-headed thinking on farming. In his 2019 manifesto, he pledged to transform Sri Lanka into an ‘organic’ nation within a decade – reducing and eventually banning chemical fertilisers, herbicides and insecticides.

In 2020, Covid struck, hollowing out Sri Lanka’s finances and causing its vital tourism industry to grind to a halt.

The anarchic scenes in Sri Lanka are a lesson for all governments, says MARK ALMOND | Daily Mail Online
The fake news surrounding this story is ridiculous.

Valuables? Those suitcases clearly just contain one set of clothes and the complete set of Greta Thunberg's written work.

those "valuables" is simply most likely suitcases of American cash and another countries currency. he will just buy more clothes whenever he arrives to his destination
Direct result of the same woke capital green nonsense that the Dutch are dealing with right now and that the Democrats and their ESG masters are trying to implement here.
‘Complete Collapse’: Here’s How ESG Destroyed One Nation’s Economy

From your link:
Sri Lanka has been wracked with poverty, inflation and fuel shortages on a massive scale, with the Prime Minister declaring Tuesday that the country has gone “bankrupt,” according to Business Insider. A ban on chemical fertilizers, implemented April 2021 in an effort to promote organic farming, proved the final straw after a string of missteps, decimating Sri Lanka’s primary source of income and forcing it into bankruptcy, experts told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Our economy has faced a complete collapse,” Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said on June 23, according to CNN.

Environment Minister Mahinda Amaweera declared a government initiative to save the earth from “our own geoengineering misuse, greed and selfishness” in 2020 ahead of a forum on halving nitrogen waste. The move was part of Sri Lanka’s effort to pursue environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals; the country signed onto a green finance taxonomy with the International Finance Corporation in May that included a commitment to organic fertilizers.

“If you want to go organic you have to cut down more forests to have enough production, because fertilizer use enhances crop production,” Vijay Jayaraj, a research associate at the Co2 Coalition, explained to TheDCNF. “And if you’re cutting down fertilizers, then it means that you need more land to produce enough crops to even meet the domestic demand.”
Now consider:

A top Biden official said Sunday that the global food shortage crisis would push farmers toward relying on more green energy.
"Fertilizer shortages are real now because Russia is a big exporter of fertilizer. Even though fertilizer is not sanctioned, less fertilizer is coming out of Russia," she explained. "As a result we're working with countries to think about natural solutions like manure and compost and this may hasten transitions that would have been in the interest of farmers to make eventually anyway. So never let a crisis go to waste."

Power added that the administration was still asking Congress to pass more relief. Last week, President Biden requested an additional $33 billion from Congress for military and humanitarian assistance for Ukraine.

"But we really do need this financial support from the Congress to be able to meet emergency food needs, so we don't see the cascading deadly effects of Russia's war extend into Africa and beyond," she said.

President Biden's Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm made similar remarks back in March, pushing for Congress to use this crisis to pass "clean energy" legislation and to "wean off" fossil fuels.
Biden official says food shortages will push farmers to green energy: 'Never let a crisis go to waste'

The Biden administration is literally no different and no more competent than the leftists running Sri Lanka into the ground. In the more than 100 years since it's emergence, Marxist ideology has never allowed the suffering and deaths of 10s/millions deter them because they are true believers and eggs make the omelet. As leftist governments worldwide waged protracted shut-downs of the economy, sober voices warned of global food shortages and suffering, especially in poorer countries.

Our Marxist technocrats can't ruin this country fast enough. Whatever it started as, this is what the pandemic and Ukraine invasion have become; a pretense to further a globalist economy and government.

People fixated on Trump and Jan 6 are the dumbest sumb&tches alive; the real show is right in front of you.
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From your link:
Sri Lanka has been wracked with poverty, inflation and fuel shortages on a massive scale, with the Prime Minister declaring Tuesday that the country has gone “bankrupt,” according to Business Insider. A ban on chemical fertilizers, implemented April 2021 in an effort to promote organic farming, proved the final straw after a string of missteps, decimating Sri Lanka’s primary source of income and forcing it into bankruptcy, experts told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Our economy has faced a complete collapse,” Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said on June 23, according to CNN.

Environment Minister Mahinda Amaweera declared a government initiative to save the earth from “our own geoengineering misuse, greed and selfishness” in 2020 ahead of a forum on halving nitrogen waste. The move was part of Sri Lanka’s effort to pursue environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals; the country signed onto a green finance taxonomy with the International Finance Corporation in May that included a commitment to organic fertilizers.

“If you want to go organic you have to cut down more forests to have enough production, because fertilizer use enhances crop production,” Vijay Jayaraj, a research associate at the Co2 Coalition, explained to TheDCNF. “And if you’re cutting down fertilizers, then it means that you need more land to produce enough crops to even meet the domestic demand.”
Now consider:

A top Biden official said Sunday that the global food shortage crisis would push farmers toward relying on more green energy.
"Fertilizer shortages are real now because Russia is a big exporter of fertilizer. Even though fertilizer is not sanctioned, less fertilizer is coming out of Russia," she explained. "As a result we're working with countries to think about natural solutions like manure and compost and this may hasten transitions that would have been in the interest of farmers to make eventually anyway. So never let a crisis go to waste."

Power added that the administration was still asking Congress to pass more relief. Last week, President Biden requested an additional $33 billion from Congress for military and humanitarian assistance for Ukraine.

"But we really do need this financial support from the Congress to be able to meet emergency food needs, so we don't see the cascading deadly effects of Russia's war extend into Africa and beyond," she said.

President Biden's Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm made similar remarks back in March, pushing for Congress to use this crisis to pass "clean energy" legislation and to "wean off" fossil fuels.
Biden official says food shortages will push farmers to green energy: 'Never let a crisis go to waste'

The Biden administration is literally no different and no more competent than the leftists running Sri Lanka into the ground. in the more than 100 years since it's emergence, Marxist ideology has never allowed the suffering and deaths of 10s/millions deter them because they are true believers and eggs make the omelet. As leftist governments worldwide waged protracted shut-downs of the economy, sober voices warned of global food shortages and suffering, especially in poorer countries.

Our Marxist technocrats can't ruin this country fast enough. Whatever it started as, this is what the pandemic and Ukraine invasion have become; a pretense to further a globalist economy and government.

People fixated on Trump and Jan 6 are the dumbest sumb&tches alive; the real show is right in front of you.

There was a segment on Tucker Carlson last night that showed the headlines from an article some time back - maybe a couple of years - with Sri Lanka agreeing to one of these world bodies western ideas about green energy. Apparently someone (google?) is scrubbing the internet of these articles after the collapse of their society and government.
There was a segment on Tucker Carlson last night that showed the headlines from an article some time back - maybe a couple of years - with Sri Lanka agreeing to one of these world bodies western ideas about green energy. Apparently someone (google?) is scrubbing the internet of these articles after the collapse of their society and government.
Likely mandates from the IMF or World Bank. These people are enemies of humanity.
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