Just a few thoughts about VOL critics



Senior Member
Nov 22, 2004
No, Im not talking about the critics in the national media, who don't seem to give the VOLS their proper credit. Im talking about VOL fans, who dont seem to give the VOLS their proper credit.

Criticism is a good thing. When deployed in a factual manner, criticism can bring about change. It is what this country was founded on and it keeps those who are in power honest to their beliefs and challenges their thought processes.

As a Volunteer football fan, I am used to fans criticising the program. Even in the MNC year of 1998, I was posting on a forum that seemed heel bent on waiting for that first loss to materialize. Fortunately for us, it never did. And those that were waiting for that loss, they joyously and glefully celebrating the win over FSU along with the rest of us. Thats fine. Never once did I see a negative post towards these distracters.

But since that 1998 season, its been a roller coaster ride. 9 wins, 8 wins, 10 wins, this year our second appearence in the SECCG since that MNC. The thing is, that wonderful MNC, the first ever BCS MNC, marked UT. It showed just what kind of team and what kind of program UT has. We are wearing a huge bulleye on our chest, a bullseye that teams are teeing off on.

Look at the ND situation. They beat us at home, then the next week, lose to Pitt. In their minds, they didn't need to "get up" for Pitt, like they did the Vols. They didnt need to execute to near perfection against Pitt, like they needed to against the Vols. The Pitt game wasn't a statement game, like the game against the Vols was.

To hear some of the Vol fans on these boards, you would think we were playing .500 ball.

Sure we have problems on offense. Im not so blind that I cant see it. We dont have the spark or induce the fear into other teams that we once did. I can see that too. But we are winning games. 8 wins so far, with 1 yet to play. Add to that yet another appearence in the SECCG, plus yet another New Years bowl game (possible BCS game in New Orleans). I would like to see our offense click again on all cylinders. Right now, they are sputtering. WHen they hit just right though, they are absolutely awesome. Just getting some continuity is all we need. We have the horses to stand toe to toe with anybody in the country.

On defense, I need to say I havent a clue as to why we gave up 33 points to Vandy. I didnt see much of the dominance we had over UGA and Bama. Im at a loss as to why we made Vandy look that good. It was the same defense that only allowed 14 pounts to UGA (most of them, playing that "mustang" package in the 4th quarter). The same defense that held Bamas running game to basically nothing. The same defense that bent against USC, but only gave up 6 points through 3 quarters. The same defense that held ND to only 75 yards of offense. But even in that MNC season, the season that had probably the best defense UT has produced since 1985, they gave up 33 to Syracuse (SU QB Donavan McNabb had a lot to do with that) and trailed Arkansas 21-10 at halftime.

But the point is, this years defense HAS the ability to shut down opponents. To say "they are pathetic", "Awful" or "they suck" is not based on fact. Yes, they were "pathetic", "awful" and "they sucked" against Vandy. But what about those other games I mentioned? Did we forget already? We have a defesne at UT, a good one. Not a great one just yet, but a good one enough to hold teams at bay until the offense can find its rythum.

Ive seen too many posts from Vol fans, about UTs lack of respect. But Ive also seen too many posts from Vol fans, lacking respect. Instead of celebrating the life our offense showed against Vandy (38 points), we want to down the defense for allowing 33. We scored 38 and only allowed 33. That means we won right?

To be honest, its getting confusing as to know if the VOLS are a good team or a bad one. And thats sad since I only hang out with fellow Vol fans.

Anyways, have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING everybody. Thanks for letting me vent a little.


Inconsistent defensive play, and losing 2 starting QBs make some people bitter (can't imagine why).
No, Im not talking about the critics in the national media, who don't seem to give the VOLS their proper credit. Im talking about VOL fans, who dont seem to give the VOLS their proper credit.




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You know, I have a feeling that folks would be a lot more happier if UT would have finished where they expected to finish, 3rd or 4th in the SEC east, with a 7-4 or 8-3 record.

What happens? We win the SEC east and everybody is miserable.

Say what you want but I just cant figure it out.

PS: I dont wanna see what happens if we actually beat AU in ATlanta. Ok, actually I do. But I bet we wont see that much VOL bashing as we are seeing now.

PSS: Lady, those teams you mentioned DESERVE to be miserable. Their team wont be playing in ATlanta. As for VANDY, well they will probably never see inside the Georgia Dome.
As for VANDY, well they will probably never see inside the Georgia Dome.

Yes they will, they play in the SEC Basketball tourney. I'm sure some of the FB team will go to watch. :lol:
I am sending along many thanks to the Vol athletic department for the many great memories they have given me since the mid-sixties. Thanks to Coach Fulmer for all he has brought to the program and thanks to John Chavis for making a 7-4 or 6-5 season more sucessfull than that. And to all Vol fans that are most surely watching Peyton add to his offensive stats, please realize this is how a well operated offense makes decisions. Knowing when to run, when to pass,and how to bust up 8-9 man fronts.Oh well, I hope RS is watching because there is much to be learned here from Tom Moore and Peyton Manning. What a gift that would be to the VolNation, for years and years to come. Happy Turkey Day to All, :peace:
In short, alot of our fans are still hungover from 1998. Should we expect to contend for titles every year? YES. Should we be disappointed if we don't play for titles every year? IMO, NO. Some folks do not see it that way, though.
For all of our tradition, money our program spends, salaries we pay or coaches,attempting to recruit top players and crowing we do(win or lose), we SHOULD expect to compete for National Titles, BCS bids and everything that goes with that. After all if I quoted our head coach I believe that was his goal and expectation when he was given the job. :D
Let's look at this-- the most talented team UT has had since 1970 was the 1999 team who underachieved(came out extremely flat against Arkansas), why? The 2nd or 3rd most talented team in 40 years 2001 Failed to win against an inferior team in a very critical game and one that should have been won easily, why?
UT has done some good things since 1998 NCG but have not been consistant , they have become the UT of the late 80's and play as if J. Majors had returned and was coaching again. They are no longer a consistant Top 10 team, which should be expected by the fans , the team and the coaches. It seems alot more fans are ready to settle for being a top 25 team than a top 10 team, most want to ignore the 2 biggest problems that plague Tennessee football and are willing to accept a finish between 15 and 25 in the polls.
Tennessees had 2 major problems
1. They are not a fundamentally sound team and haven't been in a while and
2. the offensive staff as a whole is weak. More and More it has become appereant that for UT to win it is because they out athlete a team.

The offensive line has under achieved for a while now, The WR's haven't progressed into game breakers, still have trouble with routes and separation and the playcalling is repetitious and easily-guessed. Is it Sanders or is it Fulmer? does it really matter since either way watching UT's offense is akin to a root canal.
Constructive criticism...

What a lot of other people have said: Our team just needs consistency. I am very happy that our Vols will finish with a 9 win season at the least, given that many were projecting a mediocre season. So there is no air of mediocrity for me. Yes, there have been some shake-ups. I still hold to the idea that we out-played ND in every aspect of the game, they happened to get lucky based on the mistake of a 3rd string QB that had not played a game in quite some time. Getting blown out by Auburn the way we did was another shake-up, same with giving up 33 points to Vandy.

Every team has their shake-ups. Florida got beat by Mississippi State, Auburn was held to a scoreless first half by Alabama, Georgia only put up one TD against Marshall, etc.

Like I said, we just need consistency. We have the guns to be a top 10 team year in and year out, we just need to stop relying on the sheer ability of our guys to beat other teams. If we can turn our talent into a well-oiled machine, we would absolutely kill.

Go Vols and Happy Thanksgiving
TNVOLS1, your comments are at the very heart of everything I've tried to express throughout the course of this year on the VN. Tennessee is NOT a perenial top 10 program any more and they are also VERY fundamentally unsound. This goes from playcalling, blocking, tackling and a proud Tennessee tradition, that now sadly stinks, the kicking game. I have not been able to understand the fans complaciency with these topics as I have tried and tried to address them throughout the year. You have expressed these issues well and I thank you for expressing these facts to a content, happy and placid VolNation. ( to milo and the other happy vols; the undeveloped talent we have all lies on the coaching staff, game planning and scheming. The consistency you so much want lies on the coaches to bring out because we have had "the guns" on campus for a long, long time ) :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:
All that I have wanted this season was for our team to play great football for 60 minutes. A game in which the offense and the defense both click and dominate on both sides of the ball. I know that it is asking a lot, but it is not impossible! Maybe we will see that this weekend. I would prefer it to happen in the SECCG though!
That's what I have reflected as well, Don. I am not familiar enough with the program to pinpoint the problem, but I do know what I see. And I have some some great moments in all forms of play from our guys, but not once have I seen it come together all season save against Georgia and parts against South Carolina.

The players bring the talent and the coaches put it together, and the talent is there but it does not come together as whole.
I have tried to say this all year and gotten killed . I will only change my viewpoint if the problem ceases. I am right, I know i am right, and people at the highest levels of the game tell me what is right!
Every football program has their "chicken little" fans, and the negatives ones that somewhat hope for something bad to happen.

I frequent a message board of my favorite NFL team, and it seems that the board absolutely blows up when our QB throws an INT. We won the game, he's 16-5 as our starter and rtight behind Manning, Culpepper, and McNabb in TD passes, but some people just have it out for the guy and hope we draft someone to come take his place next year.

There's always those types of fans, along with unrealistic homer fans, it all averages out, and pretty interesting to see the 2 sides go at in as well.
What you people call negative is actually the ability to see the truth. Please learn to see the difference in a win and correct performance. Remember when Spurrier used to chastise Wuerffel for throwing a TD to the wrong reciever? That is Steve teaching DW to understand the defenses and how to properly execute an offense. That is what have been talking about all year in reference to RS. Football coaches are teachers of football and our coaches don't teach much or that well. :banghead:
If you notice my original post, Im not blinded by whats going on at UT. I never have been. I know very erratic and sloppy play when I see it. Usually, Ill call UT on it when I do.

However, SOME would rather gripe and moan because of what UT HASN'T accomplished, rather than what they have.

Were going to the CG of the best FB conference in America. Yes, we've got problems. Yes, they threaten our chances to win. But being a VOL fan means I believe they will at least be prepared. UT has a chance, thats what my focus is on. Losing to UK scares me. The threat of losing to AU doesnt scare me. They are only one of the best teams in the country.

Im thinking more along the lines of, what if we BEAT AU?

All I am asking is look where we SHOULD have been and look at where we actually are. :thumbsup:
Didnt we already do this same post?

My point now is the same as then. Just because some can watch Tennessee get pounded by a team and not care, not everyone is like you. You can continue to see yourself as superior and condescend to those who put themselves emotionally into the game and throw a fit whenever Tennessee plays like they have no heart in the game.
"Look where we were supposed to be" is a rather poor argument, and if you had been around the board all year you would know how untrue it really is. I think we all watched the Auburn game and agreed we got dominated by a better team.
So then why the recent furor? Because we were up for the Championship game, but allthose who speak negatively are heretics? or maybe because against Notre Dame and Vandy teams that WE ARE BETTER THAN we got abused. Our vaunted offensive line looked like crap against ND. Our D looked High Schoolish against Vandy. Now if you dont really care, and can just say, "Well we werent supposed to go far this season, so the ND loss means nothing, and playing like crap vs Vandy means nothing because it is still a win" thats fine... for you. Dont expect everyone to be like you. I am one of those wanting perfection on every play. Do i actualy expect it? No. That doesnt mean I cant wish for as close to it as possible. I will still yell at the TV after every mental miscue, horrible play call and every time a lesser teams manhandles us when we should be the one dominating. Sorry I just dont accept average when I have seen much better play from the same team.
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Nov 25, 2004 10:28 PM
I have tried to say this all year and gotten killed . I will only change my viewpoint if the problem ceases. I am right, I know i am right, and people at the highest levels of the game tell me what is right!

I suppose you mean Johhny Majors?

If this subject has already been posted, than I apologise for bringing it up again. Being here less than a week, Im not privey to what was going on before I got here.
Im a relatively intelligent guy, who loves VOL football, but I haven't got the time nor desire to go back through VN's posts and read what everyone has to say.

So, you admit to having unrealistic expectations of the Tennessee team. Then why expect it when you know its unrealistic? IMO, thats setting yourself up for a let down.

Im not slamming your opinions, nor am I trying to suppress them. Im just trying to make a point here. This years UT team has surpassed what was expected of them, in spite of their sloppy (at times) play, coaching, conditioning or whatever. Winning the SEC East is no small task. I, for one, appreciate like heck the effort put forth by everyone associated with the Volunteer program this year. And that is MY opinion. Those who want to agree, fine. Those who want to disagree, fine. But Ive let my opinion be known (just as you have).

Now, next year, thats a different story. We have seen what this young team is capable of. We should return anywhere from 15 to 25 starters who have actual playing experience. We should open the 2005 season as a top 10 team (if not a top 5 team). Expectations will be high. If this team doesnt live up to those high expectations, then I would expect all of Big Orange Country to erupt in anger (including yours truly).

I guess I am just taken aback at what seems to me like ingratitude towards this years Vol team. They have played above what anyone expected of them. No, you dont have to agree with that statement. Heck, you could have picked them to play for the MNC if thats your opinion.

But to setup Tennessee to be the best team in the country, when anyone who knows the story, knows they aren't, well they are asking for hurt. Thats what I dont understand.

btw, Being the relatively intelligent guy that I mentioned above, I am only trying to see the other point of view. Im not going to sit here and say I have all the answers, but I am at least, trying to find facts about why people feel they way they do.

LIO I choose to protect my sources BUT, your choice is only one the coaches in what would be double figures. :moon2: Right back at cha.

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