Just For Laughs



Just blame the flu
Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 63
(2/8/05 8:51 am)
Reply Re: Ratt
USC will get 8 wins next year. Not 9, not 7. Exactly 8. Whether that's enough to finish ahead of UT or UGA remains to be seen. BTW, UF will have a 10 win season and win the SEC. Take that to the bank.

this came from www.fireronzook.com.....I hope he's not a betting man because if he is he may lose the farm and quick making bets like that
Florida could go 10 wins next year and take the East. You simply can't ignore the level of talent in Gainesville; If Urban Meyer is even a decent coach, they will contend to win the East.
yeah they could but I don't see it happening....the road to the East next year goes through the Big Orange and with the talent we got I just don't think that they will beat us
Let's hope the team isn't as sure of that as you are. That's how major let down's happen. The team has a lot of work to do if they hope to win the SEC and anything beyond that.
Yeah I always get excited when we are big underdogs going into a game. I mean look what happened in Miami last year and Athens this year. I am confident that we can go into Gainsville and get the win... I dont care what Corso says.
I laugh at it because im a UT fan and I know how good we SHOULD be next year but this guy is just rooting for his team......IS HE GOING OUT ON A LIMB? yeah he is.....thats if the kids pick up Urban's offense quickly and if the defense improves but they have the talent down there dont ignore that.....we may be preseason top 5 in nearly every poll but I will all but guarantee that when we head to Gainsville this year we'll probably be underdogs..I live for the underdog role :rocks:
They could have been a ten-win team last year, but every single game was lost in the last two minutes. If Urban can coach as well as Zook, which I think he can, and finish out those last two minutes, Florida will be tough.
Originally posted by #10_Ainge_#10@Feb 8, 2005 7:35 PM
I hope he's not a betting man because if he is he may lose the farm and quick making bets like that

Farming is hard work anyway. If UF should win 10 next year, then we should be undefeated! That is just the way it is.
i cant see florida winning 10 next year, chris leak is a good qb, but not a winner. and with the losses of fason and chrowder, it will be hard for them to beat us. they will need to be able to run the ball to beat us or they have no chance. also didnt tehy lose that awesome center, dont know his name. centers are hard to replace.
Ciatrick "my Momma couldn't spell Patrick" Fason is good and will be missed by the gators but he didn't really hurt us too much last year from what I can recollect....Maybe I'm wrong? But didn't Florida get most of their points in our game last year through the air?
well im just saying play action will never work this year.
From what I've seen at swamp gas, a lot of the Gators believe they'll get 10 wins and win the east. They're treating it like it's a forgone conclusion.
of course the Florida players think they will win it......their dillusional....thats why they picked Florida in the first place :eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol: :dlol: :dlol: :dlol: :dlol:

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