Just in time for midterms

It sucks. I got Covid for the 1st time 2 weeks ago. I was sick for an entire week. I'm the type that never gets sick but when I do its usually just a day or 2. Also 1st time in my life I have missed 2+ days of work in a week due to illness.

That being said, I was never worried and it wasn't terribly awful. It was just like a sinus infection that wouldn't go away. I felt bad, but not to the point I couldn't enjoy Netflix and Xbox. Even now though 2 weeks later I am still stuffy and coughing in the mornings.
It sucks. I got Covid for the 1st time 2 weeks ago. I was sick for an entire week. I'm the type that never gets sick but when I do its usually just a day or 2. Also 1st time in my life I have missed 2+ days of work in a week due to illness.

That being said, I was never worried and it wasn't terribly awful. It was just like a sinus infection that wouldn't go away. I felt bad, but not to the point I couldn't enjoy Netflix and Xbox. Even now though 2 weeks later I am still stuffy and coughing in the mornings.

Glad you got one of the weaker variants. I had the terrible Delta variant. 102+ degree fever and a COVID cough for 10 days. Took me weeks to get back to normal. Wasted my whole September last year. Haven't had so much as a sniffle since. Ironically, one of the sickest members of our family at that same time was fully vaxed.
Glad you got one of the weaker variants. I had the terrible Delta variant. 102+ degree fever and a COVID cough for 10 days. Took me weeks to get back to normal. Wasted my whole September last year. Haven't had so much as a sniffle since. Ironically, one of the sickest members of our family at that same time was fully vaxed.
It’s interesting that people make assumptions off of variants by people’s descriptions. The problem with that is people describe things differently. If you asked me how Covid went I’d say I felt crappy for about 48 hours and then had lingering symptoms for several more days while slowly getting better. But what you described is similar to what I experienced the first time I had it. My temp was over 103 and I could get it down to about 101.5 with meds but that was only about 48 hours. The headaches and congestion lasted a while but since it hit me on a Friday afternoon I literally didn’t miss any work as I was working from home at that time. I wouldn’t say I had a terrible variant and I have no idea if it was the alpha, delta, or what. I wouldn’t even say I was abnormally sick. The only thing that seemed abnormal to me was how fast it came on and how fast it moved from my head to my chest. So you and I had very similar experiences but, based on timing (Nov ‘20) I’d guess I had the original variant.
It’s interesting that people make assumptions off of variants by people’s descriptions. The problem with that is people describe things differently. If you asked me how Covid went I’d say I felt crappy for about 48 hours and then had lingering symptoms for several more days while slowly getting better. But what you described is similar to what I experienced the first time I had it. My temp was over 103 and I could get it down to about 101.5 with meds but that was only about 48 hours. The headaches and congestion lasted a while but since it hit me on a Friday afternoon I literally didn’t miss any work as I was working from home at that time. I wouldn’t say I had a terrible variant and I have no idea if it was the alpha, delta, or what. I wouldn’t even say I was abnormally sick. The only thing that seemed abnormal to me was how fast it came on and how fast it moved from my head to my chest. So you and I had very similar experiences but, based on timing (Nov ‘20) I’d guess I had the original variant.

You're right, it is kind of a guessing game. I was just going off of what the supposed dominate variant was at the time. I had every classic symptom except for a sore throat. The only time I was ever that sick (other than with a stomach virus....those are in a league of their own) was with a bad case of the flu years ago. One night I too had trouble getting my fever down when it spiked to over 104.
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You're right, it is kind of a guessing game. I was just going off of what the supposed dominate variant was at the time. I had every classic symptom except for a sore throat. The only time I was ever that sick (other than with a stomach virus....those are in a league of their own) was with a bad case of the flu years ago. One night I too had trouble getting my fever down when it spiked to over 104.
I’ve had a couple fevers like that in my life but rare. I’m glad you recovered without any major issues though. Hopefully you haven’t had any friends or family members with major issues. I haven’t, just friends and family of scenarios.
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Watch for the dems to take advantage of it though.

4000 mules. The sequel.

I just recovered from round two of Covid. I had what I assume was the original variant in Feb 2021 and I had it again starting around July 1st.this month.

I was quite sick with both but the most recent one was far worse to me. I know everyone is impacted differently, that was just my personal experience.

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