Just so's you know what we're a watchin'

Well as Andy said, hope our men don't get knocked down or step in sumpin.
In a tie with GUNSMOKE; especially the early 30 minute episodes.

Remember the guy in black who walks out to meet Dillon when the show starts. Lucky .. Bennett (iirc) He was a quick draw artist and bit player in Hollywood and moved back east to retire.

You could stand with your hands ready at your hips, and he'd have his pistol in his holster. You'd start. Try to clap your hands together as fast as you could before his gun came up and you'd clap on iron every time. I never saw anyone beat him. He grilled a great steak too.
OP, thank's for posting this! I always listen to this before the season starts!
I do too. This was one of the routines, if not the routine, that launched Andy's career. He wrote it while still a student a UNC.
It really does describe football from the 1st half of the 20th century like my dad described it to me, except his gridiron was a cornfield given to the high school and the 'fieldhouse' was the corncrib. When frost came, their canvas pants hung on pegs froze so they'd stand up and their leather helmets froze flat. But cornfield or cow pasture, football was a different game then.
Never heard that one before.. instant favorite!! Thanks for the laugh! !

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