I can't stand Kanye. I've tried to understand the appeal, but I just don't get it.
He's an incredible music producer. That is what he was before he began rapping. I'll even call him a genius in that department. His first three albums were good (I have them). He's always been an average rapper (decent flow, decent concepts, good voice, horrible composition of his raps, no conscious in them) but before he got caught up with Jay-Z he usually had some thoughts behind most of his songs. Then Jay-Z (as always) "influenced" him and ruined everything. Now he tries to make incredible bass heavy beats that are catchy as hell (and always does) and raps about pointless **** and horrible lyrics.
I'm pretty sure anything bad associated with rap can be attributed to Jay-Z.
I would seriously dispute that. WTT had some pretty interesting and very intelligent subject matter, despite having the appearance of an album where Ye and Jay just rap about how much money and stuff they have (which is a very important tenet of the album, no doubt).
In what, 1 or 2 songs?
I'll stand by my unpopular opinion that WTT was awful, sucked, and I couldn't stand it.
Of course, music is music and it's all subjective anyways.
What is wrong with the subject of wealth and decadence and the problems that come with it. There are also pointed criticisms of religion, American society, Kanye West's controversial (if not colorful past), and a very intelligent song ("New Day," probably my favorite song off of the album) about the world that they wish that their unborn children should have.
The album isn't perfect. It's not my favorite Ye album, but I find it to be a very listenable and very good album.
Just because they mention it for a sentence or two doesn't mean that song becomes an intelligent album.
Again, different music for different people. I stand by my belief it's not very good.
And again, Jay-Z ruins everything associated for rap.
First sentence is where my disagreement is. The album's major component is wealth, but I find that there are a variety of subjects that do get dealt with in some detail or another.
I'm not going to try and change your music tastes. I probably don't like some of the music you do, and you probably don't like some of the music I do.
Meh, I'm not a huge fan of Jay-Z myself.
You seem like a rap guy; I'd implore you to give Ab-Soul a listen.
It's incredible that the man who helped make rap mainstream and made it what it is today is basically the guy who ruined it too.
His last three albums have full out sucked. Actually, MBDTF wasn't that bad, except the critics tried to claim it as something genius when it was an average album.
Kayne is nowhere near as talented as not only of the great rappers of the past, he's not even a top 10 rapper now. He's an incredibly gifted producer that can hold his own on the mic when he tries. He hasn't tried hard in terms of lyrics since Graduation.
By Kanye West, did you mean 2Pac? Kanye's first CD may go down as my fav ever but the last 3 or so....not so much
He's an incredible music producer. That is what he was before he began rapping. I'll even call him a genius in that department. His first three albums were good (I have them). He's always been an average rapper (decent flow, decent concepts, good voice, horrible composition of his raps, no conscious in them) but before he got caught up with Jay-Z he usually had some thoughts behind most of his songs. Then Jay-Z (as always) "influenced" him and ruined everything. Now he tries to make incredible bass heavy beats that are catchy as hell (and always does) and raps about pointless **** and horrible lyrics.
I'm pretty sure anything bad associated with rap can be attributed to Jay-Z.
Tupac's Discography is no where near Kanye's. Kanye has three classics arguably four.
2. LR
3. CD
--arguably 808's. People fail to realize how much 808's change modern day music across all genres. Kid cudi, drake? Yeah, their whole style is directly taken from 808s.
Tupac's Discography is no where near Kanye's. Kanye has three classics arguably four.
2. LR
3. CD
--arguably 808's. People fail to realize how much 808's change modern day music across all genres. Kid cudi, drake? Yeah, their whole style is directly taken from 808s.