Keep it real for goshsakes.



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
If you read the Fox Sports article on MSN, they asserted that Tennessee has the 2nd toughest schedule in the country this year. That is saying a load.

Most of us felt good about beating the FCS school, that had a 2-9 record last year and a new coach this year, but they were really a weakest of all opponents.

This coming Saturday, the opposition will get better in W. Kentucky, Div I A Sunbelt Conf. Then a week later, we will play a solid top 5 team on the road in Oregon. So, in a 3 week span of time, we go from one of the weakest to one of the best opponents in the country.

If you watched carefully, you saw some deficiencies Saturday. None were unexpected. We have a long way to go to add bricks to that wall we need to build.

You also know we are known for being one of the most negative fan bases in college football when things don't go our way. (I say that with loving affection, nonetheless.) Let's show some restraint this season for a change. The majority of us are real happy with Coach Jones. Ignoring everything else, Saturday showed 2 significant changes. 1) Energy 2) Discipline. Before we can win the SEC again and BCS championship again, we require the serious kind of recruiting that Butch is doing right now. We can help by not resorting to our usual "fire everybody" comments when the rubber hits the road and the real serious football begins. Because we will lose games and you all know that. Several games. Okay? But stay positive and focused on seeing this improvement grow from experience and the positive changes we bore witness to Saturday.

That is all. As you were.
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Nope panic, burn mattresses and farrrrrr everybody. It's the volnation way
If you read the Fox Sports article on MSN, they asserted that Tennessee has the 2nd toughest schedule in the country this year. That is saying a load.

Most of us felt good about beating the FCS school, that had a 2-9 record last year and a new coach this year, but they were really a weakest of all opponents.

This coming Saturday, the opposition will get better in W. Kentucky, Div I A Sunbelt Conf. Then a week later, we will play a solid top 5 team on the road in Oregon. So, in a 3 week span of time, we go from one of the weakest to one of the best opponents in the country.

If you watched carefully, you saw some deficiencies Saturday. None were unexpected. We have a long way to go to add bricks to that wall we need to build.

You also know we are known for being one of the most negative fan bases in college football when things don't go our way. (I say that with loving affection, nonetheless.) Let's show some restraint this season for a change. The majority of us are real happy with Coach Jones. Ignoring everything else, Saturday showed 2 significant changes. 1) Energy 2) Discipline. Before we can win the SEC again and BCS championship again, we require the serious kind of recruiting that Butch is doing right now. We can help by not resorting to our usual "fire everybody" comments when the rubber hits the road and the real serious football begins. Because we will lose games and you all know that. Several games. Okay? But stay positive and focused on seeing this improvement grow from experience and the positive changes we bore witness to Saturday.

That is all. As you were.

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If you read the Fox Sports article on MSN, they asserted that Tennessee has the 2nd toughest schedule in the country this year. That is saying a load.

Most of us felt good about beating the FCS school, that had a 2-9 record last year and a new coach this year, but they were really a weakest of all opponents.

This coming Saturday, the opposition will get better in W. Kentucky, Div I A Sunbelt Conf. Then a week later, we will play a solid top 5 team on the road in Oregon. So, in a 3 week span of time, we go from one of the weakest to one of the best opponents in the country.

If you watched carefully, you saw some deficiencies Saturday. None were unexpected. We have a long way to go to add bricks to that wall we need to build.

You also know we are known for being one of the most negative fan bases in college football when things don't go our way. (I say that with loving affection, nonetheless.) Let's show some restraint this season for a change. The majority of us are real happy with Coach Jones. Ignoring everything else, Saturday showed 2 significant changes. 1) Energy 2) Discipline. Before we can win the SEC again and BCS championship again, we require the serious kind of recruiting that Butch is doing right now. We can help by not resorting to our usual "fire everybody" comments when the rubber hits the road and the real serious football begins. Because we will lose games and you all know that. Several games. Okay? But stay positive and focused on seeing this improvement grow from experience and the positive changes we bore witness to Saturday.

That is all. As you were.

Aye, Aye Sir!
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Oregon was a solid top 5 team last year I am not sure this year. They have an unproven head coach with a great team. They beat a team that is worse than AustinPeay in the FCS. I have to see them against a better team just like us before Make a determination of how good either team is. This year as a fan if we can be better than last year I will be somewhat happy I hope we could upset a few teams.
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Coaching only goes so far when we have 0 depth and 0 experience in key positions. The quicker some of you realize this the better.
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As far as "keeping it real" goes.... I must have missed the part where folks here were predicting an SEC championship or even the East. SOME of us have made the comparison between this team and Dooley's first team and stated that if Jones is a better coach then he should win more games than Dooley did with a worse situation.

Sorry if that truth bothers you... but it is nonetheless true. Dooley inherited a worse roster and a program in total turmoil. We now know for certain that he isn't a very good coach... yet he won six regular season games against a schedule at least as difficult as this one and probably more so.

I simply don't think that expecting Jones to be better than Dooley is not "keeping it real". I think that is keeping it VERY real.
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Coaching only goes so far when we have 0 depth and 0 experience in key positions. The quicker some of you realize this the better.

Like with Dooley's team in '10, right? He took that mess and won six games. If Jones is better then he should perform better.

Oh... btw, have you checked out the rosters of teams like USCe yet? They don't have experienced depth either. UGA replaces like 9 starters on D which also means the guys behind them are almost all new too. The ONLY team in the East that didn't start with those depth problems was UF... and they've had some critical injuries.
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As far as "keeping it real" goes.... I must have missed the part where folks here were predicting an SEC championship or even the East. SOME of us have made the comparison between this team and Dooley's first team and stated that if Jones is a better coach then he should win more games than Dooley did with a worse situation.

Sorry if that truth bothers you... but it is nonetheless true. Dooley inherited a worse roster and a program in total turmoil. We now know for certain that he isn't a very good coach... yet he won six regular season games against a schedule at least as difficult as this one and probably more so.

I simply don't think that expecting Jones to be better than Dooley is not "keeping it real". I think that is keeping it VERY real.

With ya here...:hi:
As far as "keeping it real" goes.... I must have missed the part where folks here were predicting an SEC championship or even the East. SOME of us have made the comparison between this team and Dooley's first team and stated that if Jones is a better coach then he should win more games than Dooley did with a worse situation.

Sorry if that truth bothers you... but it is nonetheless true. Dooley inherited a worse roster and a program in total turmoil. We now know for certain that he isn't a very good coach... yet he won six regular season games against a schedule at least as difficult as this one and probably more so.

I simply don't think that expecting Jones to be better than Dooley is not "keeping it real". I think that is keeping it VERY real.
I can see right now that the only brick you plan to help us with is positioned to throw at the AD's office at the earliest opportunity.

God love you. We couldn't do without you. What would we do?
I can see right now that the only brick you plan to help us with is positioned to throw at the AD's office at the earliest opportunity.

God love you. We couldn't do without you. What would we do?

Dude. OPEN YOUR EYES. I was accused of being a "fulmerite". For what? I said in advance what I thought his standard for keeping his job should be then I supported him "like heck" to get that chance until he failed. I was accused of being a "doolander" or whatever... For what? For saying WHEN HE WAS HIRED that he should have to prove himself in year 3 because of how awful the situation was that he inherited. He failed... and I said he should be fired.

Jones doesn't inherit that kind of mess. He certainly doesn't inherit a roster we expect to win 10 games. But he inherits a roster that is better than at least six of his opponents. That means (oh the horror) that I believe he needs to prove he can outcoach someone. Good grief. Dooley outcoached Miles in his first year. So Jones can't outcoach anyone?

Here's your "brick" by brick. Jones NEEDS 7 wins this year. Why? Because his depth, experience, and overall talent DO NOT GO UP NEXT YEAR. They go DOWN. This year he has talented upperclassmen in every group except WR. Next year... he's starting Fr and Sophs and the schedule gets no easier.... maybe even harder. So if he gets five or six this year then 4 or five next year... what do you think his recruiting and job security look like in the spring of '15. YOU nor anyone else here will be talking about "bricks".... unless YOU are the one throwing them through the AD's window.

The guy is getting 3 years barring a crime or something else outrageous. I will do my best to support him. But his chances of survival if he is only good enough to get 5 or 6 wins out of this team are nil.
PS- When ALOT of people like you were saying that the fanbase would not turn on Dooley and that everyone understood it would take 4 or 5 years to turn things around... I said there was no way he got more than 3 without showing he could win. I predicted the fans and boosters would turn on him. I predicted that NO ONE would support a coach on the "hot seat" who could no longer pull recruits from out of state because of his job insecurity.

The same thing will happen to Jones. He NEEDS 7 wins and if he's the coach UT NEEDS then he has a roster that can get them.
If you read the Fox Sports article on MSN, they asserted that Tennessee has the 2nd toughest schedule in the country this year. That is saying a load.

Most of us felt good about beating the FCS school, that had a 2-9 record last year and a new coach this year, but they were really a weakest of all opponents.

This coming Saturday, the opposition will get better in W. Kentucky, Div I A Sunbelt Conf. Then a week later, we will play a solid top 5 team on the road in Oregon. So, in a 3 week span of time, we go from one of the weakest to one of the best opponents in the country.

If you watched carefully, you saw some deficiencies Saturday. None were unexpected. We have a long way to go to add bricks to that wall we need to build.

You also know we are known for being one of the most negative fan bases in college football when things don't go our way. (I say that with loving affection, nonetheless.) Let's show some restraint this season for a change. The majority of us are real happy with Coach Jones. Ignoring everything else, Saturday showed 2 significant changes. 1) Energy 2) Discipline. Before we can win the SEC again and BCS championship again, we require the serious kind of recruiting that Butch is doing right now. We can help by not resorting to our usual "fire everybody" comments when the rubber hits the road and the real serious football begins. Because we will lose games and you all know that. Several games. Okay? But stay positive and focused on seeing this improvement grow from experience and the positive changes we bore witness to Saturday.

That is all. As you were.



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Screw it I'm going to dream. I am going to watch every game with the notion this team can win. I really don't worry about them losing and breaking my heart. I believe Coach Jones is going to put a team on the field we can all be proud of win or lose.

I also think the best moments in sports are upsets. Why are the Vols the only team incapable of upsetting someone? Be miserable if you like. I would relish making a rival fan call into a radio show and cry that their season is over because they lost to the Vols!
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