Kentucky reunion thread...........



The White Debonair
Nov 28, 2005
Bell County is south west of Pikeville. The principal city in the county is Middlesborough.

I grew up in Lexington and lived there till I was 22, then I moved to the beloved state of Ohio.

Soon though I will make it back to Kentucky! :air_kiss: :biggrin2:
we moved when i was young from pikeville to bowling green ohio. i spent 28 years up there and it sucks. 4 years ago i moved to queen creek arizona and i loved it out there and still want to go back. after a year and a half my wife got homesick so we move back east to sevierville. it is nice i can watch football games and chill in 2 1/2 hour with my relatives in pikeville, but i still miss the weather out west.
kentucky is a very nice place i just wish they would quit strip mining everywhere. southern kentucky used to be unbelievable and now in alot of parts it looks like a landfill.
I totally agree with you about strip mining, it is a terrible waste of the beautiful landscape of eastern Kentucky. Thankfully progress is being made in technology and strip mining is not as fierce as it once was.

I always tell my wife, when we visit Kentucky, that we are going to the "promised land" and when we visit Tennessee that we are going to "Heaven".

Louisville, pronounced Lewvul, is apart of Kentuckyana. So we just say that Louisville is apart of Indiana!
The furthest West I have ever been is to visit my brother in Arkansas.

I hope one day to travel to all the 50 states. I would love to visit the Grand Canyon, Yosemite Park, The Devils Tower, Mount Rushmore, The Crazy Horse Memorial, Las Vegas....etc.....

I love to travel!
Man, do you have some sites to see if you've never been west of Arkansas. Lot of great stuff you're missing out on! Not to mention the Cascade Mountains.
Well if I live to the average age of 77, I have 52 years to accomplish my goals............ :biggrin2:

If I had it my way I would spend all of my time in Southern Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland and Virginia visiting all of the Civil War sites
(milohimself @ Apr 21 said:
Man, do you have some sites to see if you've never been west of Arkansas. Lot of great stuff you're missing out on! Not to mention the Cascade Mountains.

I dropped a few deuces in Redding, CA but that is the further Northwest I've been.
So I've heard. I had a grandmother who lived in Castro Valley for many years and then she wanted to move up near Mt. Shasta in her final years. You could see the S.F. Bay from her deck in Castro. As much fun as people make of S.F. it is a pretty awesome city.
(OrangeEmpire @ Apr 21 said:
If I had it my way I would spend all of my time in Southern Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland and Virginia visiting all of the Civil War sites

I'd like to visit all of the Civil War sites some day as well.

I should probably start with the ones in Tennessee though. :lol:
The only Confederate victory in Tennessee was Chickamauga, major scale, and it was not pressed to the fullest extent that it could have been. *You can say that about any battle.

What is the old saying, "I admire Lee, Jackson and Longstreet and thank God for Lincoln, Grant and Sherman".
Ale8 is great especially with salty foods like peanuts or sausage biscuits. I have been personally enchanted by the Bluegrass, and I love the climate. We have horse farms just a few miles from the house, so I feel surrounded by beautiful greenspace.

If I had to pick my favorite place on earth, it would have to be Tahoe up to this point. Realistically if I had to move west I would live in Evergreen (near Denver) or Salt Lake City.
I stayed in Pikeville for a few days during a HS baseball tournament. No offense, but I'd rank that place as the most boring place in the world(just higher than Stoney Creek and Blountville). They also had some "Redneck Days" or something like that going on for that weekend.
(hvwarrior58 @ Apr 25 said:
I stayed in Pikeville for a few days during a HS baseball tournament. No offense, but I'd rank that place as the most boring place in the world(just higher than Stoney Creek and Blountville). They also had some "Redneck Days" or something like that going on for that weekend.
Consider it added to my list of places never to go to

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