Kick-Ass 2



Jul 1, 2009
I can't wait! The first one is one of my favorite movies. This one is supposed to be released June 28th, so still half a year away...

They're using another director because the original director is already doing X-Men first class which sucks. He was a big part of the movie being awesome despite the low budget. It was only 28 million dollars and he raised most of it himself because all of the major studios turned them down. Apparently the budget isn't going to be an issue this time. I was looking at the cast on imbd and not only does it show that Nicholas Cage is rumored to be return but Jim Carrey is in it... didn't see that coming.
The first one was decent but no where near good enough to warrant a sequel.
The first one was decent but no where near good enough to warrant a sequel.

I think Kick Ass is better than a number of films that got sequals.

If it's believed it'll making money there'll be a Kick Ass 12. It's just how it works.
I think Kick Ass is better than a number of films that got sequals.

If it's believed it'll making money there'll be a Kick Ass 12. It's just how it works.

You're right on both points. The Saw series is proof that they'll keep making movies no matter how crappy they are as long as people keep giving their money away to see them.

Like I said the first was ok. I just don't see a need for second one.
You're right on both points. The Saw series is proof that they'll keep making movies no matter how crappy they are as long as people keep giving their money away to see them.

Like I said the first was ok. I just don't see a need for second one.

There is a sequel to the original comic plus a Hitgirl spin-off. Both of which have been good sellers and met with positive reviews.
Huh, I think I watched Kick-Ass a day or two before you made this thread. I forgot I had it, and it was pretty good. My disc is scratched right at the part with Hit Girl and the public unmasking. Pretty much the climax of the movie. I was super disappoint. I've never had a bluray get scratched before to the point that it completely freezes the movie until I skip to the next chapter.

I don't think this movie needs a sequel.
I was always disappointed they gave the first movie the happy ending that the comics never had. I think the bad ending for the movie would've set up the next one a lot better, with his crush hating him and sending the blowjob picture to him and the catching his dad screwing the girl. It would've made him on the rooftop that much more endearing I think.
I was always disappointed they gave the first movie the happy ending that the comics never had. I think the bad ending for the movie would've set up the next one a lot better, with his crush hating him and sending the blowjob picture to him and the catching his dad screwing the girl. It would've made him on the rooftop that much more endearing I think.

Comics can get away with that but mainstream audiences don't like sad endings.
Comics can get away with that but mainstream audiences don't like sad endings.

I know, but if they were planning on the sequel all along then they can do sad endings. Especially because one of the huge plot points of the next comic is the mother ****er kidnapping the girl and raping her and him being so conflicted about it.
I know, but if they were planning on the sequel all along then they can do sad endings. Especially because one of the huge plot points of the next comic is the mother ****er kidnapping the girl and raping her and him being so conflicted about it.

My guess is Mark Millar may have had a sequel in mind for the book and I'm sure his wallet wanted one for the movie but they had a hard time funding/distributing the first movie so they probably weren't sure a sequel would get green lit.
Agreed, I know Millar said he couldn't do the whole Big Daddy reveal of being an accountant in the book. Though it may just be me, but I think that reveal, and if they had kept the secret that Red Mist was really a bad guy, it would've been an excellent M Night level twist if done right.
Jim Carey cannot support Kick-Ass 2 due to change of heart regarding the level of violence post Sandy Hook.

Jim Carrey 'Cannot Support' Violent KICK-ASS 2, Millar Responds |

Wonder if he is going to keep the money he was paid for the role?

Yeah...exactly. Love the hypocrisy in Hollywood. I'm a huge Carrey fan, but that's stupid. He should donate all the money he was just paid to a non-violence organization if that's how he truly feels. Not fair to the producers of the movie if he's not promoting it.
It's not hypocrisy in hollywood, just people in general. Carey is not immune, though I feel we as a nation are far worse than others.

See, how we find sex so abhorrent, but violence is fine, whereas the rest of the world has it reversed.
lol @ one of the comments on that link:

Jim Carrey grow up violence is been around since the beginning of time.
Is up to the parents to raise and set a example to there children.
And to be real, look at history the wold is becoming a better place.
Eventually this world will be to full of people. So a little death here and there is a good thing.
For the survivor of the Human race.

So a little mass homicide here and there is a good thing. Especially if it's kids, I guess, since they haven't even had a chance to reproduce yet.
lol @ one of the comments on that link:

So a little mass homicide here and there is a good thing. Especially if it's kids, I guess, since they haven't even had a chance to reproduce yet.

THAT is the glass half full point of view.
No, I was right there with him until he started talking about murdering children for population control.

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