King of The Hill Coming Back

I hear everyone will be 15 years older...
I don't say this as a hater/contrarian/hipster, as I still watch and appreciate the show in its current state, but pre-9/11 The Simpsons is truly the only adult-oriented cartoon that ever beat King of the Hill in my mind.

Luckily for KOTH, unlike many reboots we've seen in the past decade (and pretty much everything post-2016), Mike Judge isn't going to ruin a golden goose with politics or any effort to change the core concept in an effort to seem contemporary. This will be absolutely fantastic.
Nice. I love this show. I hadn't watched the original in two decades and randomly threw on a Halloween episode this October. It was all about satanic panic and I just didn't remember how much of a social commentary this show could be. Also funny that satanic panic was largely on the decline by the time this episode came out and now it's kinda back.

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