Know when to shut up

Looked like he had raised a hand first.

I call this a life lesson.
Yep . . . He thought he was going to get away with running his mouth a little more. He's already swung and lunged at people and raised his hand while walking toward the security guy. Play stupid games . . . win stupid prizes.
He wrote a check his body couldn't cash. I was a teen in the 60s. If you acted like that then, you got your azz kicked. I've probably been in 30 fights, and didn't start 1 of them.
It was the same way in the 80s and 90s. Even the law used to recognize the doctrine of fighting words which provided a legal justification for using violence in response to verbal provocation.
Borderline, but I give him the benefit of doubt.
The guy was walking away and appears to be leaving the premises.

If instead of a fist, suppose he had a gun. Could you (legally) shoot a guy that is in the act of leaving? Yeah... I get it... he was making a scene and being rowdy, but it is clear that he didn't want any smoke.

BTW, if that guy was a former heavyweight boxer, wouldn't he have had to register his hands as lethal weapons?
The guy was walking away and appears to be leaving the premises.

If instead of a fist, suppose he had a gun. Could you (legally) shoot a guy that is in the act of leaving? Yeah... I get it... he was making a scene and being rowdy, but it is clear that he didn't want any smoke.

BTW, if that guy was a former heavyweight boxer, wouldn't he have had to register his hands as lethal weapons?
Going out on a limb: if he had shot the idiot, he probably prevented some future, worse crime.
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