Knox County School Grades



Wait til next year!
Jul 30, 2018

Ok, so I’m curious as to what folks think of this. 10% of the grade comes from how much the lowest 25% of students improve. To me that’s incentive to prioritize the lowest performers to the detriment of the other 75% of students. Of course it’s right in line with No Child Left Behind but it just bugs me how they’ve made school cater to the lowest common denominator. I’m sorry, they’ve got school set up now so that if you’re failing you’re flat out not trying. That’s my take anyway. Do you all agree or disagree and why?
The libs are screaming that the tests set up inner city schools to look bad and they need more funding. No increase in funding is going to increase their scores at this point. There’s a cultural problem that needs to be addressed and people need to stop making excuses for kids based on their skin color.
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The libs are screaming that the tests set up inner city schools to look bad and they need more funding. No increase in funding is going to increase their scores at this point. There’s a cultural problem that needs to be addressed and people need to stop making excuses for kids based on their skin color.

Despite the fact that inner city schools have the most funding
I have three grands in North Knoxville city schools.
All three are excelling every year, honor students.
The youngest school graded A. The oldest has applied for foreign exchange and has passed all three phases.. Currently awaiting finalization
I am jazzed for these kids and their parents. Their futures are bright.
Dr Thomas Sowell hits the nail on the head:

"The quest for esoteric methods of trying to educate these (minority) children proceeds as if such children had never been successfully educated before, when in fact there are concrete examples, both from history and from our own times, of schools that have been sucessful in educating children from low-income families and from minority families. Yet the educational dogma of the day is that you simply cannot expect children who are not middle-class to do well on standardized tests, for all sorts of sociological and psychological reasons."

"Those who think this way are undeterred by the fact that there are schools where low-income and minority students do in fact score well on standardized tests. These students are like the bumblebees who supposedly should not be able to fly, according to the theories of aerodynamics, but who fly anyway, in disregard of those theories.

While there are examples of schools where this happens in our own time-- both public and private, secular and religious-- we can also go back nearly a hundred years and find the same phenomenon. Back in 1899, in Washington, D. C., there were four academic public high schools-- one black and three white.1 In standardized tests given that year, students in the black high school averaged higher test scores than students in two of the three white high schools.2

This was not a fluke. It so happens that I have followed 85 years of the history of this black high school-- from 1870 to 1955 --and found it repeatedly equalling or exceeding national norms on standardized tests.3 In the 1890s, it was called The M Street School and after 1916 it was renamed Dunbar High School but its academic performances on standardized tests remained good on into the mid-1950s

Back in the day, predominately black schools did very well on standardized testing, in some cases did better than sutdents in predominately white schools. What happened? Democrats and their socialism. We have gone from minorities acing these standardized tests to liberals claiming these tests are unfair and racist. It's the break down of the home caused by socialism that has brought on the high failure rate of students today.

"One of these “favors” (of politicians) was the welfare state. A vastly expanded welfare state in the 1960s destroyed the black family, which had survived centuries of slavery and generations of racial oppression."

"In 1960, before this expansion of the welfare state, 22 percent of black children were raised with only one parent. By 1985, 67 percent of black children were raised with either one parent or no parent."


"You might think that this would be welcomed by those who are so ready to do “favors” for blacks. But you would be dead wrong. Democrats who have been in charge of most cities with sizable black populations, for decades, are on record opposing the spread of charter schools. So is the NAACP.

That is a de facto declaration of moral bankruptcy in both cases, just as in the case of the Ivy League chemistry professor. In all three cases, it is a question of promoting one’s own special interests, while offering “favors” to blacks.

The Democrats’ special interest is in serving the teachers’ unions, which oppose charter schools and support Democrats financially. The NAACP’s special interest is in serving the same donors — and in keeping ghetto schools controlled by racial activists, as part of their turf."

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Dr Thomas Sowell hits the nail on the head:

"The quest for esoteric methods of trying to educate these (minority) children proceeds as if such children had never been successfully educated before, when in fact there are concrete examples, both from history and from our own times, of schools that have been sucessful in educating children from low-income families and from minority families. Yet the educational dogma of the day is that you simply cannot expect children who are not middle-class to do well on standardized tests, for all sorts of sociological and psychological reasons."

"Those who think this way are undeterred by the fact that there are schools where low-income and minority students do in fact score well on standardized tests. These students are like the bumblebees who supposedly should not be able to fly, according to the theories of aerodynamics, but who fly anyway, in disregard of those theories.

While there are examples of schools where this happens in our own time-- both public and private, secular and religious-- we can also go back nearly a hundred years and find the same phenomenon. Back in 1899, in Washington, D. C., there were four academic public high schools-- one black and three white.1 In standardized tests given that year, students in the black high school averaged higher test scores than students in two of the three white high schools.2

This was not a fluke. It so happens that I have followed 85 years of the history of this black high school-- from 1870 to 1955 --and found it repeatedly equalling or exceeding national norms on standardized tests.3 In the 1890s, it was called The M Street School and after 1916 it was renamed Dunbar High School but its academic performances on standardized tests remained good on into the mid-1950s

Back in the day, predominately black schools did very well on standardized testing, in some cases did better than sutdents in predominately white schools. What happened? Democrats and their socialism. We have gone from minorities acing these standardized tests to liberals claiming these tests are unfair and racist. It's the break down of the home caused by socialism that has brought on the high failure rate of students today.

"One of these “favors” was the welfare state. A vastly expanded welfare state in the 1960s destroyed the black family, which had survived centuries of slavery and generations of racial oppression."

"In 1960, before this expansion of the welfare state, 22 percent of black children were raised with only one parent. By 1985, 67 percent of black children were raised with either one parent or no parent."


"You might think that this would be welcomed by those who are so ready to do “favors” for blacks. But you would be dead wrong. Democrats who have been in charge of most cities with sizable black populations, for decades, are on record opposing the spread of charter schools. So is the NAACP.

That is a de facto declaration of moral bankruptcy in both cases, just as in the case of the Ivy League chemistry professor. In all three cases, it is a question of promoting one’s own special interests, while offering “favors” to blacks.

The Democrats’ special interest is in serving the teachers’ unions, which oppose charter schools and support Democrats financially. The NAACP’s special interest is in serving the same donors — and in keeping ghetto schools controlled by racial activists, as part of their turf."

People in lower income areas typically jump at the chance to join charter schools. They know it gives their kids a better chance at learning.
Dr Thomas Sowell hits the nail on the head:

"The quest for esoteric methods of trying to educate these (minority) children proceeds as if such children had never been successfully educated before, when in fact there are concrete examples, both from history and from our own times, of schools that have been sucessful in educating children from low-income families and from minority families. Yet the educational dogma of the day is that you simply cannot expect children who are not middle-class to do well on standardized tests, for all sorts of sociological and psychological reasons."

"Those who think this way are undeterred by the fact that there are schools where low-income and minority students do in fact score well on standardized tests. These students are like the bumblebees who supposedly should not be able to fly, according to the theories of aerodynamics, but who fly anyway, in disregard of those theories.

While there are examples of schools where this happens in our own time-- both public and private, secular and religious-- we can also go back nearly a hundred years and find the same phenomenon. Back in 1899, in Washington, D. C., there were four academic public high schools-- one black and three white.1 In standardized tests given that year, students in the black high school averaged higher test scores than students in two of the three white high schools.2

This was not a fluke. It so happens that I have followed 85 years of the history of this black high school-- from 1870 to 1955 --and found it repeatedly equalling or exceeding national norms on standardized tests.3 In the 1890s, it was called The M Street School and after 1916 it was renamed Dunbar High School but its academic performances on standardized tests remained good on into the mid-1950s

Back in the day, predominately black schools did very well on standardized testing, in some cases did better than sutdents in predominately white schools. What happened? Democrats and their socialism. We have gone from minorities acing these standardized tests to liberals claiming these tests are unfair and racist. It's the break down of the home caused by socialism that has brought on the high failure rate of students today.

"One of these “favors” (of politicians) was the welfare state. A vastly expanded welfare state in the 1960s destroyed the black family, which had survived centuries of slavery and generations of racial oppression."

"In 1960, before this expansion of the welfare state, 22 percent of black children were raised with only one parent. By 1985, 67 percent of black children were raised with either one parent or no parent."


"You might think that this would be welcomed by those who are so ready to do “favors” for blacks. But you would be dead wrong. Democrats who have been in charge of most cities with sizable black populations, for decades, are on record opposing the spread of charter schools. So is the NAACP.

That is a de facto declaration of moral bankruptcy in both cases, just as in the case of the Ivy League chemistry professor. In all three cases, it is a question of promoting one’s own special interests, while offering “favors” to blacks.

The Democrats’ special interest is in serving the teachers’ unions, which oppose charter schools and support Democrats financially. The NAACP’s special interest is in serving the same donors — and in keeping ghetto schools controlled by racial activists, as part of their turf."

Thomas Sowell always hits the nail on the head. Seriously. Written over 40 books, in interviews, youtube videos and lectures (700) . He is one of the best "thinkers" of this age.
I have 3 kids currently in public school and believe me when I tell you, they are an absolute joke these days. I thought they were bad in my generation, back in the 80s/90s but that looks like utopia compared to today.

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