Kns Article: If Pearl Listens...booed At Rupp



Senior Member
Feb 16, 2005
Has anybody in Knoxville read this article? What is it talking about?
Here's an exerpt from an ESPN story:

The Illini got some payback, too, for their fans who are still harboring a grudge against Pearl for the role he played in a recruiting scandal some 15 years ago. Pearl gave the NCAA a tape of a secretly recorded phone call in 1989, touching off a 16-month investigation. Illinois was cleared of the most serious violations, but had to skip the 1991 postseason.

Illinois fans feel the same about Pearl as Bama fans feel about Fulmer.
"In the postgame press conference Pearl noted he has a strong team back next year and spoke of continuing Milwaukee's dominance in its league.

And yet he realizes his coaching star is at a zenith that will be difficult to reach again.

As fond as he is of Milwaukee, when Tennessee talks, Pearl should listen. And if Tennessee doesn't go after Pearl with all its cards, it would be a mistake.

This is a guy capable of getting booed in Rupp Arena some day."

I saw a quote from Mike Hamilton that indicated that we'd go as high as $1.5 million.
How dare he turn over information about possible cheating by a rival.

Draw and quarter the scoundrel. Doesn't he know about the unwritten rule that you never turn in a fellow coach.

Someone give him the number to the Finebaum show so he can get this rule interpreted. :D
I applaud what he did to Illinois. Maybe the same thing would have slowed Coach K at Duke. Maybe if Pearl would have done that to Coach K all of the mothers for the top players wouldn't have gotten those $65K per year secretary positions.

Seriously, he was 29 years of age when he made the mistake and Illinois offered $80K and a car to lure Deon Thomas. Pearl beat Illinois fair and square to land this kid and then the Illini swoop in and offer the kid the sun and the moon. Pearl was frustrated and acted before thinking. But what gets lost is Illinois was more in the wrong in this situation.
OldVol's post was Tounge and Cheek because of the Bama thing.
It was proven the Illini cheated so in retrospect he did the right thing. He should have turned them in

Welcome to the board and I really hope he takes the job at UT
Whenever I think of booing at Rupp, I think of Jarvis Hayes from UGA beating UK there and strutting his UGA jersey out for everyone to see at the end.

I loved it
The locals sharply criticized the Hayes and UGA for strutting like that. I heard the students even threw stuff at them. Later that year, the UK players held out their jerseys and strutted around after winning in Gainesville. That picture made the Herald. I guess it depends on who does it as to whether or not it is bad sportsmanship.
That's nothing. I wore orange at Rupp this year and got pelted by students with rolled up newspapers and rolled-up "3" signs throughout the second half. I guess I should have stayed away from the student section.
Up until recent years, I had always thought of UK basketball fans as NU football fans.

Ya right
Originally posted by ukvols@Mar 28, 2005 9:09 AM
That's nothing. I wore orange at Rupp this year and got pelted by students with rolled up newspapers and rolled-up "3" signs throughout the second half. I guess I should have stayed away from the student section.

Hey man, were you the only one wearing orange in UK's student section? I think that I saw you on TV. Were you wearing an all orange sweatsuit or something?
Yeah, that was me. That's not exactly the first time I've worn orange at Rupp either, but it was the first time that everybody got so ticked off. Man, I felt like the heel in a professional wrestling match. It got to the point that I started to enjoy being booed.
Cool deal man....I think the announcers called you crazy. I remember you posting that you were in a class with orange sweatsuit on at UK and when I saw you sitting in the student section wearing all orange....I thought.....hey, that might be ukvols.

Can I have your autograph?
By coincidence, I found myself in the undergrad section of campus with an orange jacket. I generally don't do that. Anyway, some photog from a local free paper apparently snapped my picture from behind. They put it in their Fashion Police section. And the announcers just said I was brave. My supervisor, who loves to see UK lose, said it was my 15 minutes of fame. If so, I think I might have wasted my 15 minutes. I had a student ticket in Atlanta too but sat somewhere else. I did bump into some cool UK students down there who thanked me for getting them on TV at Rupp.
Yeah, brave....that is what they called you. I was the one who thought you were crazy. :lol:
One more thing about the game at Rupp. People for the visiting team sit in student sections all the time. It happens everywhere. But I guess there were a few animals who felt like they needed to defend their territory. I'm here for one more year, and I haven't decided what to do about next year. I'll definitely go to the game at Rupp, but I'm not going to deliberately make myself the center of attention, now that I know what will happen.

:bow: :bow: :bow:

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