There have been many calls for Holder's resignation for a number of reasons, let me add another.
We arrest all sorts of people for crossing our southern
border, otms (other than Mexican) are photographed, fingerprinted and released, since they aren't from Mexico, Mexico won't accept them back.
Not so long ago some illegal aliens were arrested locally for some minor traffic violation, local authorities arrested them and turned them over to ICE.
What happens then?? They are released, given a deportation hearing date some two years or so down the road.
Will they show up at the hearing? Who knows but many don't. Does anyone then try to track them down?? Not likely!
Will they ever have to pay a fine for the original traffic violation, hell no. Even if they show up at the deportation hearing the traffic violation won't show up on their record because they were never formerly charged.
On the other hand how does the Holder Justice Department handle the case of an elderly well known anti-communist that poses zero threat to the U.S.?
The Associated Press: Cuban ex-CIA agent acquitted in Texas perjury case
An elderly Cuban former CIA operative accused of lying during a U.S. immigration hearing was acquitted on all charges Friday, with jurors taking just three hours to reach a verdict after enduring 13 weeks of often-delayed testimony.
Luis Posada Carriles, 83, broke out in a huge grin when the verdict was read and hugged all three of his attorneys simultaneously. One of the attorneys broke down in tears.
Across the aisle, the federal prosecutors who painstakingly built their case during the first 11 weeks by calling 23 witnesses, sat still.
Holder has made a joke of the American legal system, while doing all within his power to advance his own personal agenda.
His arrogant, angry response to the US Congress only underlines another reason his resignation should be called for immediately!!!