Last time Tn had 2 consecutive defensive goose eggs?



Danneskjöld's love child.
Oct 2, 2010
When was the last time we got two goose eggs in a row? I know we all know the amazing 14 games straight record set by Neyland era team. But when was the last time we did two in a row? I think we could do it....

I know I know Western Kentucky is a much better team. However honestly our defense looked SO good, and unlike the offense when the secondary players came out, they STILL looked really good. Not as amazing as when they had the two big men up front with Hood and DaMac! But still very good. I could not be happier with how we looked on defense the whole game.

I wasn't happy with kicking coverage but we'll blame that on special teams...(we were VERY lucky we were playing AP on kicking coverage, got to mind those sidelines!)... Western Kentucky is going to be a MUCH MUCH tougher opponent. AP was one of the worst teams to come into Neyland, but this defense has made me a believer in our abilities, and that we may actually have some sound guys backing up the starters, I have more faith in our defense right now then the offense. Our first string O looked great against AP, but the backups....well I think we can agree it was troubling what happened offensively in the second half....

If this D could put up a second goose egg in week two.....that would be epic, and would love to see them try... not sure when that last happened but it's been at least a decade...
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2002. Vandy and Kentucky by identical 24-0 margins. Before that, you have to go back to 1994, when we beat Kentucky and Vandy, 52-0, and 65-0, respectively.
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That's the way it should always be.

Sounds like to me we're overdue.......I wanna see a goose egg tomorrow.....tougher team or not, our A string looked great and the B string guys did not let up either.... they have a better back then we saw last week, but with DaMac, and DaHood their o line will be hard pressed to give him holes.
would be sweet but it's a Petrino offense with some talented playmakers. WKU is gonna score. buuuuuut, you never know
would be sweet but it's a Petrino offense with some talented playmakers. WKU is gonna score. buuuuuut, you never know

If we got a goose egg tomorrow I would feel A LOT better about our defense in terms of development. Even then I couldn't say we are going to shut Oregon's offense down or anything, but I would better as far as how we stack up to them.
I say less than 14 would be great

I agree 14 or less is a good job. But I am serious when I think a goose egg is possible, maybe not probable, but possible. We have some serious power up front and very decent linebackers, but what really has impressed me was the second string guys coming on and playing hard, and the swarming........if they were a passing team I would be less certain, but I think we could defensively do this. I hope so because to be honest our offense even though it has HUGE numbers first half against AP looked troubling. Constantly receivers were having to dive behind them to make catches, against AP we had better athletes and they made worely look good. Against a decent secondary some of those would be at best broken up, at worst picks......even against AP we only had a few power runs mostly by Lane....Neal can't hope he's going to turn the corner against quality defenses...he's got to learn to cut and get up field.....running to the sideline is a recipe for disaster once we start playing SEC teams. Our second string on offense just looked pitiful.......

If we're going to be successful, our defense must continue to be beastly...and I really liked what I saw on all defensive points except special teams.....our kick coverage was BAD....sometimes a guy penetrated and got them, but if you watched the whole field at the game sidelines were unprotected often......we got lucky..... there seemed to be a lack of discipline on kicking coverage in lanes, and some poor tackling to boot.
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While I think our defense did well against Austin Peay, if they put up that same effort against WKU, they will score. I wasn't as impressed. I think our secondary will give up some big plays tomorrow. Not because of lack of talent, but because of inexperience. I won't say a goose egg is impossible, but I expect at least 10 points from a bobby Petrino offense.
Not sure that Western Kentucky has a great QB, and I know their line can not stop DeMac from getting penetration...he'll have to release pressured, and even with good WR's that could be bad for western Kentucky.....after what I saw so far, and I grant you AP isn't much of a test. But DaMac is looking like a monster.....if he'll play aggressively we could keep them trying to run....and good back or not...I don't see their line matching up if ours is healthy.

I have a good feeling about our defense, I am still unsure of what our offense has to offer....the AP game didn't really show that much....

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