What we experienced in late March and April is going to skew our perspective of this virus. It hit our most populated region of the country at a time when they were still spending large amounts of time indoors due to weather. We didn't know much at all about the virus and it showed as we desperately sought for something that would improve outcomes.
So, now we find ourselves in a tale of different regions. And, that is causing back and forth "discussions" over "real" vs. "fake news", etc. However, to me the data are fairly clear. The hardest hit regions - either due to their continued strict(er) measures or effects of a falling susceptible community (approaching herd immunity) - continue to see no case growth (despite high testing) and have hospitalizations/death curves that show no signs of growth so far.
For example, here is New York:
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In contrast, you have regions of the country where the virus didn't strike that much at all. Most of these places have opened up widely and have higher susceptible populations - but also generally have lower population density where even with a spreading virus, case growth will just be slower.
To my eyes, we are in an actual non-media-generated outbreak in these regions. We are seeing more that just case growth in my opinion - it is actual infection growth. And with that I believe we will see increased deaths. This, however, is where our perspective skews us. Some, not seeing deaths on the order of 200-500/day in hotspot states might feel its panic over nothing because we are no where near where we were in March/April. With lower population densities - these states would likely not reach peaks like that. Others, seeing rising case counts and hospital census, might fear we are heading for another March/April and want to shut things down before we get there. And this is largely where it seems two sides talk past each other. One often downplays the cases and deaths because they know that the other might (over)react and shut things down prematurely, which they feel is unnecessary. And then the other camp feels like their alternate side is blind to data and is re-open at all cost.
But, right now, I think the truth is in between. I also think there are a number of people here who appreciate that. Infections are rising in these places and I believe rising deaths will follow (I will post some plots below that to me show we are seeing that). However, due to better treatment and lower population densities, that doesn't mean you are necessarily heading straight into another NY, NJ, MA, etc. I still remain in the watchful eye camp. Maybe I'm over-estimating the benefit of treatment/population density. Maybe I'm wrong on severity. But, as you can see from the numbers in the charts below - despite seeing 30-100% increases in deaths/day across these states since the middle of June, the numbers are still quite manageable. Key question is can it be sustained - or do we accelerate past that point?
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I'll also show GA because of all the grief they got, but they're doing well.....and Tennessee for obvious reasons of interest.
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