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VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
Just saw where the line is 7 for this game. Do you think that is about right?
Don't think the Domers will score enough points to keep it that close. But, given the most recent weeks' lines, are you surprised?
By the end of the week,ole Lou and his N.D. ties will have us as the under-dog.
don't ya'll know by now that everybody is an underdog when they play ND... jeesh people get with the program :bash:
with munoz and respert hurt....i see ainge just handin off the ball and not doin too much throwing. I think itll come down to can we move the chains on the ground.
munoz will probably be back and prugh did a pretty good job replacing respert
AS of this afternoon Munoz took all the first team snaps today.

Expected O-line Starters....

Lt Munoz
Lg Smith ( Does he need a hair stylist or what? ) Ross the Boss doesn't do it
C Prugh Fulmer has said there is no drop off between Prugh and Respert
Rg Douglas Ankle still a little sore bu he will Start
RT Sears But look for Toiena To get alot of snaps


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