Lawmakers hail DOJ antitrust lawsuit against Google as 'long overdue'

The DOJ is basically accusing Google of having a good product, which is more user-friendly than what rival search engines feature. Nobody is forced to use Google. They choose to, and this has made Google synonymous with the internet search itself.
You have to admit, the timing is .... interesting.

Would not be surprised to see Trump talk about this either on the stump or in the debate.
You have to admit, the timing is .... interesting.

Would not be surprised to see Trump talk about this either on the stump or in the debate.
Trump has shown himself to be quite envious of companies who are business-savvy, with services that are in high demand among consumers. He always portrays them as being evil corporate entities, rather than simply being efficiently operated within a sound business model.
Their platform, their agenda.....don't use it, stop making them so powerful......mindless drones are our current society, left and right and every where in between......

In the same note, be careful playing politics with a business......
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I will need more than Google paying electronics manufacturers for making them the default search engine. I would need to see tangible actions that prevent or make it difficult for users from other search engines. I personally haven't seen it.
On the surface, I'm having a hard time finding fault with Google.

It's well established that Google controls its searches to hurt conservative sites. They also pull certain videos from youtube that don't conform with their politics.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) is pressing Google CEO Sundar Pichai for answers regarding the search giant’s meddling in the U.S. presidential election after an explosive Breitbart News investigation published this week proved the company is blocking search traffic from Breitbart News and other conservative websites.

Exclusive– Tom Cotton Presses Google CEO over Election Interference

Sites like Breitbart follow this sort of thing very closely. They depend on coming up early in web searches and getting hits. They know when a group like Google is screwing them
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You have to admit, the timing is .... interesting.

Would not be surprised to see Trump talk about this either on the stump or in the debate.

Well, wasn't until recently they really showed their true colors.

I mean, big tech didn't overly try to suppress news about their chosen one until recently.
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Well, wasn't until recently they really showed their true colors.

I mean, big tech didn't overly try to suppress news about their chosen one until recently.

LOL, the GOP in general, and Trump in particular, have been whining about perceived bias in search results since Al Gore invented the internet. Tying it to the false HB claims is just a means of trying to bootstrap the fake HB news to the tried and true mantra of the right everywhere that the media are biased against conservatives.

There is nothing new about the media or internet companies or social media screening out information and claims which they regard to be disinformation, particularly when they have reason to believe it is part of a foreign intelligence operation. I mean, you cannot force them to participate in what they earnestly believe is an intentional effort by bad actors to deceive people.
LOL, the GOP in general, and Trump in particular, have been whining about perceived bias in search results since Al Gore invented the internet. Tying it to the false HB claims is just a means of trying to bootstrap the fake HB news to the tried and true mantra of the right everywhere that the media are biased against conservatives.

There is nothing new about the media or internet companies or social media screening out information and claims which they regard to be disinformation, particularly when they have reason to believe it is part of a foreign intelligence operation. I mean, you cannot force them to participate in what they earnestly believe is an intentional effort by bad actors to deceive people.


This is rich especially given how the Trump Russia thing started.

Twitter and Facebook are about to lose that 230 status and get ****ed up. In reality, everyone knew Biden was shady, everyone knew Hunter was a disaster waiting to happen. But what took everyone by surprise was the actions by Twitter and FB in response to a negative article. That story was actually bigger than the Biden story.

This is rich especially given how the Trump Russia thing started.

Twitter and Facebook are about to lose that 230 status and get ****ed up. In reality, everyone knew Biden was shady, everyone knew Hunter was a disaster waiting to happen. But what took everyone by surprise was the actions by Twitter and FB in response to a negative article. That story was actually bigger than the Biden story.
That’s going to be the real fallout here. Twitter and Facebook stepped on their Johnson and are going to get their 230 status yanked and they earned it all in their own. Both companies better hope that Trump loses and the Senate flips because if it doesn’t they are going to fry in 2021 and they earned it. Classic play stupid games win stupid prizes.
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LOL, the GOP in general, and Trump in particular, have been whining about perceived bias in search results since Al Gore invented the internet. Tying it to the false HB claims is just a means of trying to bootstrap the fake HB news to the tried and true mantra of the right everywhere that the media are biased against conservatives.

There is nothing new about the media or internet companies or social media screening out information and claims which they regard to be disinformation, particularly when they have reason to believe it is part of a foreign intelligence operation. I mean, you cannot force them to participate in what they earnestly believe is an intentional effort by bad actors to deceive people.

You would have defended the nazi propaganda if they were against Trump
Google's ad market 'insider trading': Tech giant runs a 'secret scheme' that lets them use online publisher data to ensure businesses using their technology win ads - and they've made millions out of it

  • Google is being sued by ten US states which think it is violating antitrust laws
Google has been accused of running an 'insider trading' scheme with its ad systems to give its clients a leg up by using publisher data they'd obtained secretly to help them place winning ad bids.

The allegation is part of an antitrust lawsuit filed that was brought by Texas prosecutors and joined by nine other states against the Silicon Valley giant. Papers were filed this week as part of the lawsuit that were filed unredacted then were redacted and sealed by a judge.

The papers were seen by The Wall Street Journal before they were redacted. They allege that Google ran a secret program which let them play both sides of the industry.

Central to it is an understanding of how Google has unprecedented and unrivaled access to both ad sellers and ad buyers.

Online publishers like media outlets use Google technology to sell their ads. The tech is known as the DoubleClick Ad Exchange, or AdX.

Google accused of running 'insider trading' scheme on its ad marketplace | Daily Mail Online
That’s going to be the real fallout here. Twitter and Facebook stepped on their Johnson and are going to get their 230 status yanked and they earned it all in their own. Both companies better hope that Trump loses and the Senate flips because if it doesn’t they are going to fry in 2021 and they earned it. Classic play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Funny how that played out isn't it? LOL.
Daily Mail hits Google with antitrust lawsuit, cites royals coverage

The owner of the Daily Mail has filed an antitrust suit against Google in Manhattan federal court, alleging that the company manipulates search results based on how much publishers spend on advertising with the search engine giant.

“This lawsuit is to hold Google to account for their continued anti-competitive behavior including manipulation of ad auctions and news search results, bid-rigging, algorithm bias and exploiting its market power to harm their advertising rivals,” a Daily Mail spokesperson said in a statement.

“Despite increased criticism by regulators and governments around the world, Google’s ongoing behavior clearly shows they are not prepared to change their conduct.”

Daily Mail sues Google, cites royals coverage

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