Lawmakers to Probe Attempted Attack.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Congressional lawmakers are looking to "get to the bottom" of the attempted terrorist attack on a Detroit-bound flight, pledging to hold hearings next month and raising questions over how the suspect was allegedly able to smuggle an explosive mixture onto an airplane.

"We may be seeing a pattern here," Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., ranking Republican on the House intelligence committee, told Fox News. He compared the latest incident to the Fort Hood shooting, in which officials knew about the suspect's contacts with a radical imam long before the rampage. "Are we seeing here a breakdown in our intelligence community, when we see these red flags we're not recognizing them and responding appropriately?"

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., raised the same concern.

"He did appear on some databases, but not a no-fly list database," Thompson told Fox News on Saturday. Thompson said his committee will hold a hearing on the matter next month to "get to the bottom" of the incident and examine what security precautions should take place in the future.

"We want to make sure that it was not human error or the sharing of information" that prevented the suspect from being caught earlier, Thompson said. "Information sharing has always been an issue."

Boy don't this give me the warm and fuzzies!!!

About the Committee


Joseph I. Lieberman Chairman (ID) (CT)

This is the guy who called the KLA 'our fellow freedom fighters, I have more respect for Judas Iscariot than for Joe Leiberman.

Carl Levin (MI)

Turban Durban light, may he stick his head out enough to be beheaded by his near eastern friends.

Daniel K. Akaka (HI)

Thomas R. Carper (DE)

Mark L. Pryor (AR)

Mary L. Landrieu (LA)

Not or sale she is already owned.

Claire McCaskill (MO)

Jon Tester (MT)

Roland Burris (IL)

Paul G. Kirk, Jr. (MA)


Susan M. Collins Ranking Member (ME)

A rino of the first order.

Tom Coburn (OK)

Cheers, a republican with a recognizable backbone.

John McCain (AZ)

The guy of whom the radical muslim KLA said; "he did everything we asked him to do."

George V. Voinovich (OH)

Another of the top rinos.

John Ensign (NV)

Lindsey Graham (SC)

anthother rino.

Robert F. Bennett (UT)

Oops! Freed Gitmo alumni plotted airline bombing.

Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November, 2007, according to American officials and Department of Defense documents.

American officials agreed to send the two terrorists to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an "art therapy rehabilitation program" and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials.

Gee, who would have expected "art therapy" to fail on terrorists?
It amazes me at how ignorant these people are. The Obama administration has no clue on how to protect America or what they're doing.

Obama called the attempted Islamic terrorist attack an isolated incident during his speech today. He never uttered the words Islamic or terrorist.

Their solution - absolutely no pillows behind passenger's heads, no blankets in the lap's of passengers, and no trips to the bathroom one hour before landing. I'm sure everybody will feel safer now.

They're treating the Islamic terrorist as a common criminal and have allowed him to get an attorney. He's a freaking enemy combatant! What don't they understand about that?

Obama wasn't told about the Islamic terrorist attempt until three hours after the fact. His administration is notified that he's won the Nobel Peace Prize Award and they wake him immediately to tell him. He gives his speech that morning about how undeserving he is of the award. 72 hours later after the Islamic terrorist attempt he gives us a speech about the isolated incident and that they're doing everything they can to protect us and our families. He takes no questions and leaves. I guess he had a tee time to make.

Yeah, I'm warm and fuzzy all over.
remember when the left bashed Bush because he waited 12 minutes to leave after 9/11. but hussein doesn't say a word for 72 hrs. he had to make sure his telepromter gave him very careful words not hold anyone accountable. what are the odds of a successful attack by fall? terrorist only have to get lucky once
If this happens to be the same guys we released from Git-mo, then that should tell you all you need to know about this Administration. That's just pathetic. Can we impeach on grounds of stupidity?
Don't know about the rest of you but I'm feeling really good knowing that Congress is on the case now, I mean what could instill more confidence than this Congress ?

God help us all.
If this happens to be the same guys we released from Git-mo, then that should tell you all you need to know about this Administration. That's just pathetic. Can we impeach on grounds of stupidity?

Is that actual speculation that is out there? I haven't heard that. I've heard that his father had a sit-down with CIA officers/reps (perhaps in the embassy in Nigeria?) to warn them of his radical ties, but that is the closest contact of which I have heard. The system is obviously still not working...

My guess is that the administration completely missed it on this one, thinking that it was your lone-wolf scenario and instead it turned out to be much more (e.g., the ties to training in Yemen).
It amazes me at how ignorant these people are. The Obama administration has no clue on how to protect America or what they're doing.

Obama called the attempted Islamic terrorist attack an isolated incident during his speech today. He never uttered the words Islamic or terrorist.

Their solution - absolutely no pillows behind passenger's heads, no blankets in the lap's of passengers, and no trips to the bathroom one hour before landing. I'm sure everybody will feel safer now.

They're treating the Islamic terrorist as a common criminal and have allowed him to get an attorney. He's a freaking enemy combatant! What don't they understand about that?

Obama wasn't told about the Islamic terrorist attempt until three hours after the fact. His administration is notified that he's won the Nobel Peace Prize Award and they wake him immediately to tell him. He gives his speech that morning about how undeserving he is of the award. 72 hours later after the Islamic terrorist attempt he gives us a speech about the isolated incident and that they're doing everything they can to protect us and our families. He takes no questions and leaves. I guess he had a tee time to make.

Yeah, I'm warm and fuzzy all over.

If you get any more emotional about this you may get a Cris Mathews thrill running down your leg. :p

remember when the left bashed Bush because he waited 12 minutes to leave after 9/11. but hussein doesn't say a word for 72 hrs. he had to make sure his telepromter gave him very careful words not hold anyone accountable. what are the odds of a successful attack by fall? terrorist only have to get lucky once

Have you wondered why Barack Hussein Obama has insisted that the U.S. Attorney General hold the trials for the 9/11 Murdering Muslim Terrorists in Civilian Courts as Common Criminals instead of as Terrorists who attacked the United States of America? Think about this:

If the Muslim Terrorists are tried in Military Tribunals, convicted, and sentenced to DEATH by the Military Tribunal, BY LAW of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, as President of the United States, would be required to SIGN their Death Warrants before they could be EXECUTED. He would not be required to sign the death warrants if sentenced to death by a Civilian Court.

Think about the Muslim Jihadist, Major Hassan who slaughtered his fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood, Texas. Major Hassan did not want to go to Afghanistan and be a part of anything that could lead to the deaths of fellow Muslims. He stated that Muslims could not and should not KILL FELLOW MUSLIMS.

Is the motive for Barack Hussein Obama’s decision to make sure he doesn’t have to sign the death warrants for the Muslim Terrorists? Why would he, as President of the United States, not want to sign the death warrants for Muslim Terrorists who attacked the United States and MURDERED over 3,000 innocent United States Citizens on 911? Could it be that he is FORBIDDEN BY HIS RELIGION to have anything to do with the execution of Muslims?

Think about that!!! Join me in opening our ears, eyes and minds to what THEIR President is doing. PLEASE pass this along to your friends if you agree that this sounds reasonable. Makes one wonder, doesn’t it???!!!

John W. King, Attorney at Law

If this happens to be the same guys we released from Git-mo, then that should tell you all you need to know about this Administration. That's just pathetic. Can we impeach on grounds of stupidity?

Actually connections have been made to two gitmo detainees we released to Saudi Arabia who underwent 'artistic reeducation' that were involved in this latest jihadist terror scheme, I posted the details on this board.

Don't know about the rest of you but I'm feeling really good knowing that Congress is on the case now, I mean what could instill more confidence than this Congress ?

God help us all.


Is that actual speculation that is out there? I haven't heard that. I've heard that his father had a sit-down with CIA officers/reps (perhaps in the embassy in Nigeria?) to warn them of his radical ties, but that is the closest contact of which I have heard. The system is obviously still not working...

My guess is that the administration completely missed it on this one, thinking that it was your lone-wolf scenario and instead it turned out to be much more (e.g., the ties to training in Yemen).

Of course, and furthermore this current regime in Washington is going to miss it every time it can, they are the enemy within.

As a matter of fact obama appointed someone (KOH) who is in lock step with these terrrorists and their goals, ie; implementation of islamic sharia law in the US of A!!

(Or the USSA if you listen to democratic rhetoric)
I wouldn't call it a thrill down my leg, it's more like a Charley horse.

NY congressman calls for military trial for alleged airline bomber, rather than civilian trial.

the Nigerian man accused of attacking an airliner as it approached Detroit should be tried by a military tribunal rather than a civilian court.

U.S. Senate candidate Scott Brown today said the suspected al-Qaeda terrorist accused of trying to blow up a Detroit-bound airplane on Christmas Day should be treated as an enemy combatant and tried before a military tribunal.

"This is a hostile act of aggression against innocent American civilians. Treating it as a law enforcement matter minimizes the fact that we are at war,” said Brown. “Terrorists should be interrogated by military professionals, not allowed to consult with taxpayer-funded defense lawyers in American courtrooms.”
As you stated in another thread, Obama won't see this through.It was an isolated incident and he's a suspect not a terrorist.

Another congressman (this one from Iowa) calls for the 'suspect' to be treated as an enemy combatant and shipped to Cuba.

This plot took place in a foreign country and I don’t even know if he was over U.S. airspace when this actually happened. This no one’s asked that question that I know of,” King says. “I’d take him and put him down at Gitmo and I’d take a look at trying them all in military tribunals.”

King is among those who oppose taking the suspected terrorists who’ve been held in Cuba and moving them to a prison in Illinois.

“So what I’m going to push for is a session of congress that is a classified briefing on the floor of congress that brings in all the administration personnel that have jurisdiction over this and then close and lock the doors, shut down the security and then keep them there for three or four hours so they have to answer the questions rather than filibuster the questions.”


Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan had announced his sympathy for jihadi terrorism. Yet so crippled by political correctness is today's America that no one blew the whistle. Instead, he was sent to Fort Hood, where he opened fire on Nov. 5, killing 13 and wounding 31.

Almost two months later, the current administration still can't bring itself to identify Hasan as an Islamic terrorist.

They can't even decide to allow soldiers to carry self-defense arms on U.S. military bases.


Since her appointment, Ms. Napolitano has focused her department on supporting amnesty for illegal aliens and warning that disgruntled returning American military personnel should be watched lest they become "domestic terrorists."

Yet President Obama came to her defense Monday, claiming the U.S. government is doing all it can to protect U.S. citizens.


President Obama should turn over Abdulmutallab -- an irregular, out-of-uniform saboteur subject to being stood up against a wall and shot according to every law of war -- for military interrogation and justice.

Then he must immediately demand the resignation of the clueless (but oh so politically correct) Janet Napolitano.

He must acknowledge we're under attack by Islamic fundamentalists bent on jihad.

Houston school checking possible link to terror suspect.

(barf alert)
Pretty soon BHO will refrain from commenting on the suspects because he will fear bias towards the suspects in which the defense attorneys will use in court.
And while they spend months getting to the bottom of it terrorists will be developing new ways to kill innocent people!! Yeah way to keep our country safe BHO!!
Hope and change, folks. 52.6% voted for it and now we have to live with it and hope that the terrorists who do make it to American soil are as dumb as the Undie-bomber.
Hope and change, folks. 52.6% voted for it and now we have to live with it and hope that the terrorists who do make it to American soil are as dumb as the Undie-bomber.

Probably more accurate to say around 46 or 47%, the other 5 or 6% were ficticious green acorns.

Body scanners blocked by US 'could have prevented attempted plane attack'.

We blocked them because we didn't want them to discriminate against muslim jihadists coming to America.

A preliminary Dutch investigation said all security checks were correctly carried out in Amsterdam before the flight left, and US authorities cleared the passenger list that included Abdulmutallab.

Ter Horst said the Dutch authorities did not know that Abdulmutallab – who was travelling on a Nigerian passport – was on a US security list.

Guess who opposes body scanners in America??

Yep, right again, it's our dear commie frineds at the ACLU.
I would much rather have The Three Stooges potect us than the idiots in Washington now

Gs, those idiots make The Stooges look like Galileo, Copernicus, and Ramanujan


"The founding fathers, in their wisdom, devised a method by which our republic can take one hundred of its most prominent numbskulls and keep them out of the private sector where they might do actual harm."
-- P.J. O'Rourke

Speaking of Ramanujan, islam's claim that they made great strides in mathematics is just one more lie on a long list of lies.

They learned their mathematics from Hindu culture when they marauded, robbed, raped, tortured, murdered and enlaved hundreds of millions of people who had previously been living in peace east of the Khyber Pass.

This lie is enshrined in our own language in that we say we use 'Arabic' numerals when in reality that knowlege came mostly from the Hindus and to a lesser extent the Phoenecians and Greeks.

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