I've never seen a team miss so many shots under the goal . It seems physically impossible when you're 6'8" or taller.
How you read that into my post is beyond me. I thought we were talking about missed layups. But hey go start another redundant Pearl thread. Its not like we don't have enough of those.Sweet 16 and Final 8 weren't far enough for you? I guess you complained about Fulmer going to the SECCG every 3 years too?
How you read that into my post is beyond me. I thought we were talking about missed layups. But hey go start another redundant Pearl thread. Its not like we don't have enough of those.
As much as I like maymon, he is a shell of his former self before his knee injury, no life whatsoever, him and stokes both should be destroying the rim when they are right under the freaking basket, unfortunately if they get fouled they might go 1-2 at best at the line.
Defend what? Bringing up that it was also a problem under Pearl and that had his teams not experienced the same problems they could have accomplished even more sucess? The OP stated he had never seen this many missed shots. I was only stating we have but it isn't an issue unless you are losing. And just because someone points out a shortcoming of a St Bruce coached team. It isn't indicative of complaining.YOU are the one who brought Pearl's name into the missed "bunnies" thread and then complained about how the team didn't advance far enough to suit you.
Don't bring something up if you can't defend it.
Ive never witnessed such a non dunking team in my life. Lazy big men who refuse to stuff it.