Leinart staying

He said that Coach Carroll researched the pro's and con's for him. I would love to see that list. I can't believe that I have to hear about him and USC one more year. :shakehead:
I love USC and im glad he made it back!!!! I can't wait for our Fiesta Bowl showdown.
Isn't the championship in the Rose Bowl next season? We'd better hope the championship is in the Sugar Bowl, because Fiesta Bowl or especially Rose Bowl crowds basically equate to an advantage on some level for the Trojans.

I'm not a USC fan, but I really had an enjoyable time watching them this year, and was glad they brought home a national title to the Pac-10. Oklahoma did terrible, but you also have to realize what an incredibly good game of ball USC played.

As far as hearing of them... Plan to hear of them long after Leinart is gone, because as long as Carroll and Chow are on the same coaching staff and they keep reeling in good recruits, USC will be a very very tough team.
I'm mostly ambivalent about USC but I think it's generally good to see a kid opting for staying in school.

In case I never mentioned it here, I'm a professor so I'm a bit biased on this issue ;)
What about when they have already completed their degree?

Alex Smith of Utah got his bachelor's degree in economics by his second year.
Originally posted by volinbham@Jan 14, 2005 7:03 PM
I'm mostly ambivalent about USC but I think it's generally good to see a kid opting for staying in school. 

In case I never mentioned it here, I'm a professor so I'm a bit biased on this issue  ;)

Leinart finished school this semester, he's done with it and now just is glory hunting.
:bash: Crap! I was hoping the Dolphins would some how draft him. USC is going to be scary good next year, look out world.

How is CAL going to be next year? I know Rogers is gone but what about other team leaders? Hopefully they can beat USC and break the hearts of Trojan fans everywhere, including "The juice".

Good move for USC but wrong move for Leinhart, IMHO. He won the heisman, won the NC, he would have been number one in the draft and he has finished school. What else is there to do except win two championships and another heisman? Am I the only one who thinks this sounds kind of greedy?. His NFL stock can not be any higher. What if he gets hurt? Oh yeah forgot, he doesn't have to worry about being hurt with the PAC10 schedule. ;) Anyway, this one really surprised me, even more than Peyton staying.
He better be ready for that Tennessee Vol defense next year when we play them for the title. :thumbsup:
From all I've read, this is a mistake if you're looking at future earning potential.

He was a certain top 5 pick. Many felt the 9ers would take him as the first pick.

When you look at all he's accomplished, where can he go but down.

To finish his carreer equal to where he is now he must; win another NC, win the Heisman AGAIN, have the type year that puts him in the top 5 of the 06 draft.

I'd like to see that list Carrol showed him.

If he's a top 5 pick we're looking at a minimum of 17 Million for that year. If he's the #1 pick, it's closer to 20 Mil.

I heard the kid just loves college life.

If that's the reason, more power to him. I don't think anyone should be forced to grow up before they're ready. :D
I am surprised by this move. With 2 NCs and the Heistman, all he can do is get hurt before the NFL takes him.
I agree OldVol. I think we have to many "KIDS" in the NFL. If they would have taken the time to grow up and let themselves be a kid then we wouldn't have so many athletes in the NFL showing out and getting in trouble every time you turn on the tv. I think while this may possibly hurt his draft status next year. In the long run it may make him a better mature adult\role model.
9-3-05 at Hawaii
9-17-05 Arkansas
9-24-05 at Oregon
10-1-05 at Arizona State
10-8-05 Arizona
10-15-05 at Notre Dame
10-22-05 at Washington
10-29-05 Washington State
11-5-05 Stanford
11-12-05 at California
12-3-05 UCLA

As far as I'm aware, that will be USC's schedule next year, but they have one more open spot left to figure out.

Team by team look:

Hawaii: Not a chance

Arkansas: You guys tell me

at Oregon: This right here looks to be the biggest challenge in that schedule for the Trojans. This is all provided Coach Belotti can pull his head out of his a** and work with the incredible talent he manages to pull in. Not to mention Autzen is a very, very difficult place to play.

at Arizona State: After losing their stud QB Andrew Walter, they still managed to step up with their backup, Sam Keller, and defeat Notre Dame after an embarassing loss to Arizona. But, if last year's score is any indication, the Sun Devils have a STEEP uphill battle to fight to defeat USC.

Arizona: No. Arizona is managing to pull down a really good recruiting class this year, and I don't know how... Anyways, that will not help them yet. USC will steamroll them.

at Notre Dame: Maybe. Notre Dame looks to have a somewhat impressive offense next year, with Brady Quinn returning for his junior season. Weis might do big things with ND, but their defense has to improve. This is iffy, but probably the second hardest-looking game on the schedule next to Oregon.

at Washington: Willingham won't be able to turn this program around fast enough to defeat USC. Not a chance.

Washington State: The Cougs have started to look marginally better after usually being a doormat team in the Pac-10, but cannot beat USC.

Stanford: Next

at California: Unfortunately will not pose much of a problem for USC. Rodgers and Arrington are both leaving, so while Cal's defense might hold USC down somewhat, the offense will not be able to keep up.

UCLA: The ol' rivalry game sometimes presents suprises, but I doubt anything will come of it.

So looks to me as if USC has a very good shot at running the table next season. Although something tells me they will take their final open spot and schedule a very tough team, probably to establish dominance in the AP poll early on.

And Z06, quit trying to compare conference strength. It's absolutely unprovable.
If this is their schedule for 05, let's look at a few points to consider.

Of these teams, 2 finished in the money in 04.

Cal, well overrated, finished at #9 and ASU at 19.

Cal may be a top 25 team again, but I personally believe this year was an anomaly. I could be wrong. I was once in 1972, but nobody's perfect.

As you pointed out, ASU loses their only true threat.

So, without one of their opponents coming to the front, and one probably will, they're going into the preseason with only 1 maybe 2 top 25 teams on their schedule.

Now, let's look at the Schedule Auburn had this year, and got screwed for playing.

Auburn beat the #13 team twice

Beat the # 16 team, LSU

Beat the # 7 team GA,

That's 4 wins over top 25 teams.

Looks like USC might keep rolling at that.

Gimme a break.

There's no way the Pac 10 champion, which doesn't play a Championship game, should go before the SEC which does.

More media crap.
Don't give that crap about a cake schedule. There's no way to compare conferences. Even the Pac-10 had an interconference record nearly as good as the SEC's while playing infinitley more difficult teams (SEC played many games against D-IAA teans, Pac-10 played one) and a better bowl record, you won't see many people try and argue the SEC's strength over the Pac-10's.

You see the gap in logic here? It just goes to show you can never tell how strong a conference will be, you will only know after the fact. The Pac-10's only preseason top 25 is USC, but that may very well change by the end of the 2005 season. It might not.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jan 15, 2005 3:41 PM
Don't give that crap about a cake schedule. There's no way to compare conferences. Even the Pac-10 had an interconference record nearly as good as the SEC's while playing infinitley more difficult teams (SEC played many games against D-IAA teans, Pac-10 played one) and a better bowl record, you won't see many people try and argue the SEC's strength over the Pac-10's.

You see the gap in logic here? It just goes to show you can never tell how strong a conference will be, you will only know after the fact. The Pac-10's only preseason top 25 is USC, but that may very well change by the end of the 2005 season. It might not.

You serious? Pac-10 is a weak conference and has been for quite some time now, Cal was exposed this year as well, so much for their other BCS team other than USC.

Then they throw Hawaii on it, they ave a cake schedule.
Cal was in a very similar situation to what the Vols have been the two seasons prior to this one. Stuck, unmotivated playing in a bowl that they'd rather not be in.

I couldn't care less that Cal lost to Texas Tech. They got screwed. There was NO good reason out there that Texas should have been moved up like that.
And like I said, how can the Pac-10 be that much weaker? Prove it to me. They had a very very similar interconference record to the SEC, but the teams those games were against were much much MUCH harder than SEC's.

I'm not saying any one conference is stronger than the other, I'm saying trying to prove such a thing is utterly useless. Just one more attribution to the weakness of the BCS.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jan 15, 2005 3:51 PM
And like I said, how can the Pac-10 be that much weaker? Prove it to me. They had a very very similar interconference record to the SEC, but the teams those games were against were much much MUCH harder than SEC's.

I'm not saying any one conference is stronger than the other, I'm saying trying to prove such a thing is utterly useless. Just one more attribution to the weakness of the BCS.

SEC and ACC are the top 2 conferences with Big 12 and Big 10 as 2nd tier, Pac 10 is below those 4.

USC got screwed 2 years ago out of the BCS game because they're strength of schedule, with 1 loss they dont shut out because Ou and LSU had tougher conferences which attributed to their strength of schedule.

USC needs to step up their onon-conference schedule because of the Pac 10 being weak overall, throwing Hawaii Arkansas and Notre Dame wont help their cause.

You're not getting it. There is no solid arguement between any of those five conferences as to which ones are better. This year, the Big XII was supposed to be head and shoulders better than the rest and came out flat. The ACC came out and looked pretty flat during the bowls as well. The SEC did about as well as expected, right in the middle. The Big Ten was supposed to be a bit down, but came out and did a LOT better than most anybody said.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jan 15, 2005 4:02 PM

You're not getting it. There is no solid arguement between any of those five conferences as to which ones are better. This year, the Big XII was supposed to be head and shoulders better than the rest and came out flat. The ACC came out and looked pretty flat during the bowls as well. The SEC did about as well as expected, right in the middle. The Big Ten was supposed to be a bit down, but came out and did a LOT better than most anybody said.

Pac 10 is weak and will be weak this year, enough said.

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