"Let my (white) people go...": White folks forced into slavery



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
Payback is a b^^ch...

Controversial Proposal for Tackling Unemployment | Greece.GreekReporter.com Latest News from Greece

Centre of planning and Economic Research in Greece has proposed a controversial measure in order to deal with the problem of increasing unemployment in the country.

The measure includes unpaid work for the young and unemployed up to 24 years old, so that companies would have a strong motive to hire young employees. Practically, what is proposed is the abolition of the basic salary for a year.*At the same time the “export” of young unemployed persons was also proposed to other countries abroad, as Greek businesses do not appear able to hire new personnel.

Slavery... returning to America soon...
Yes, it is just a hop skip and jump to have slavery in the US.

Next thread topic: how only amputees will be allowed to do the news in Montana.
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I gotta come up with a good slave name.

"I call you TOBY!"

I got a good slave name for you...

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