From where I'm standing, our Vols swelled up on Cal.....just exploded on em. They're a good team, not great.....but good and it was an emotional closure game and they picked up the tab. Then there was Air Force who we escaped with a win because they executed a tough offense to defend brilliantly. The Florida Gators came into our house and won, even for a top ten team that no easy task and they deserve congrats. I too was hyped up unrealistically about this squad, as long as the W's kept comin I felt anything was possible. But IMO it was a staggering defeat because of to who we lost. For myself it's like your ex -wife's husband beatin you up in your own front yard, kind of a tough thing to get past, strong personal rivalries develope emotion. We'll no doubt see dozens of posts addressing talking heads we see and hear laughing at the Vols, but until the Vols get some kind of continuity in defending our ground against top ten have to be realistic and take the criticism because it's rightfully deserved. Again I congratulate the Gators on their win and let's just play the next game and move on. Go Vols!