Let's be Realistic



Vol for Life
Sep 11, 2006
Trust me, I wanted to win as much as anyone yesterday, but realistically I did not think we had the horses to run with Oregon.

Our team has been mediocre for several years now and it's going to take some time to turn this around. Our talent level is sub-par as proven by the number of freshman playing this year.

I'm a believer in Jones and believe he will turn it around. But it is going to take some time.

What I want to see is improvement throughout the year to show we are headed in the right direction. I saw a lot of positives from the first two games (very few penalties, turnover margin, etc.) so I think we are headed into the right direction.

What makes Jones' job so hard this year is our schedule. It is brutal. Let's be realistic and give him a chance before our "so called" fans start turning on him and his staff.
I expect an SEC Championship every year and to win every game.. I have unrealistic expectations, though...
This is not the first time Oregon boat-raced us. The big difference this time is that we were in their stadium, and Oregon might just be better this year. It is not the end of the world. We will see how these guys bounce back.
This is not the first time Oregon boat-raced us. The big difference this time is that we were in their stadium, and Oregon might just be better this year. It is not the end of the world. We will see how these guys bounce back.

Overall this maybe the best Oregon team they have ever fielded...
I like living in a fantasy world where mediocre Tennessee teams with 3* athletes come out and upset the top ranked teams in the country. So no i won't be realistic. J/K
We are young with little depth and experiance.

Oregon is the opposite.

I don't know how anyone expected anything different. Was it disheartening, yeah but yesterday was reality. We are not able to play footballs with the elite yet, rebuilding takes time. LOTS of time.

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