Regardless of your feelings on social values, government programs, foreign policy, most of us are in agreement that too much of our income is taken away by the government.
Having read Neal Boortz's book and compared it to Steve Forbe's flat tax, I for one am an opponent of a consumption tax, i.e. a more voluntary tax.
Also, some interesting tax trivia...
FDR's tax policy, the Fair Deal including tax rates of up to 92% for the highest tax bracket.
Jimmy Carter's highest tax bracket was 70%, and remained that way until Reagan lowered it to 28% in 1981 (pretty amazing and quick working for our government.)
The estate tax, imposes a tax upon death of up to 55% on the deceased estate.
Having read Neal Boortz's book and compared it to Steve Forbe's flat tax, I for one am an opponent of a consumption tax, i.e. a more voluntary tax.
Also, some interesting tax trivia...
FDR's tax policy, the Fair Deal including tax rates of up to 92% for the highest tax bracket.
Jimmy Carter's highest tax bracket was 70%, and remained that way until Reagan lowered it to 28% in 1981 (pretty amazing and quick working for our government.)
The estate tax, imposes a tax upon death of up to 55% on the deceased estate.