Lieberman-Lamont Dead Heat



Five Star Recruit
Oct 4, 2005
American Research Group has them at a dead heat. Last week Lieberman had a double digit lead and is now 2 points ahead with a 3.5 point margin of error. Schlesinger only has 3%. Amazingly almost 1 in 5 Republicans are supporting Lamont.....
American Research Group has them at a dead heat. Last week Lieberman had a double digit lead and is now 2 points ahead with a 3.5 point margin of error. Schlesinger only has 3%. Amazingly almost 1 in 5 Republicans are supporting Lamont.....

Northeastern Republicans are sort of like Southern Democrats . . . It's sometimes hard to figure out why they don't just switch parties.
As a former politcal operative I can speak with some authority on this. The only polls that mean anything right now are the internal polls done by the campaigns, and they don't relaese those. If they DO release them, the results have, shall we say, been "edited" to create the impression of momentum or just to gin up a headline. Beyond that the polls done by anyone else mean nothing and are not worth the electrons it takes to send them around cyberspace.

My take: Lieberman will trash Lamont in the general. This is not due to any polling or whatnot but because 1) Lamont is an idiot; 2) Lieberman is not; and 3) JL has a statewide network on the ground and a LOT of CT pols owe him their jobs.

Both campaigns will bribe ... er, enter into contractual arrangement with different "independent" polling groups to produce the desired poll numbers to be released for public consumption.

Bottom line THERE IS NO WAY Lieberman could either a) have sprinted to a 12-point lead in less than a week or b) have LOST that lead in less than a week.

As I stated on a different thread, bovine scatology is still bovine scatology, no matter how many moonbats believe it.
Bottom line THERE IS NO WAY Lieberman could either a) have sprinted to a 12-point lead in less than a week or b) have LOST that lead in less than a week.

Yeah . . . I think it's pretty clear that one of the two polls is remarkably flawed. There's no way two samples taken that close together should vary that much unless one of the candidates was caught on camera with a goat.
There are always cases of this occurring. This happens all the time in these types of races. Lieberman's huge lead was right after his loss and when he had a huge amount of sympathy. Now the fallout has landed and Democrats are actually realizing that Liberman has "betrayed them" and are now settling back into Lamont's camp. From what I've heard in CT, there's a huge division in the GOP. Part of them want Lamont to win. Essentially the seat stays Dem either way. But to get Lamont, you get a person who can polarize and do more for the GOP to show how far left the Dems are.

The CT Republicans are fighting over who to really push. It's obvious they could care less about their own guy who is consistent in all polls taken there. But there is a division on whether to go for Lieberman or Lamont who can actually help them in the long run. Lamont is a poster child for the message of Dems being far left. This will help in 2008.

So a drift in one week is not far-fetched. The shock has now worn off and sides are figuring the worth of who to support.

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