Link to Basilio interview with Coach Majors


Volosaurus rex

Doctorate in Volology
Dec 2, 2009
For those of you who would like to hear Tony Basilio's interview with Coach Majors, here is the appropriate link: The Tony Basilio Show. He has absolute confidence, bordering on certainty, that Butch will not only succeed but he will do so in grand fashion.
Basilio is a closet Vol fan. Most of the time when I tune into his show on television he has a Vol helmet behind his chair.
For those of you who would like to hear Tony Basilio's interview with Coach Majors, here is the appropriate link: The Tony Basilio Show. He has absolute confidence, bordering on certainty, that Butch will not only succeed but he will do so in grand fashion.

Don't get too excited, Johnny said the same thing about Dooley.

FWIW: Butch has won everywhere he has been. If the idiots will leave him alone, he will win here and win big.

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