London Vol: My Dentist


London Vol

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
I have just had some terrible news that my 33-years old dental hygienist collapsed with a brain tumor whilst being seven months pregnant. She is a super lady who actually helped me to overcome my fear of dentists.

Her baby was delivered successfully whilst she was in a coma. However, she is now paralysed and requires extensive medical treatment to give her a chance to be able to return home to her family and be a Mum.

If anybody after reading the link below wishes to make a small donation, it would be wonderful. I understand most of you reading this are from across the pond however anything will help.

Please donate so Emma can come home to be a mum, organized by Scott Weeks

You can read more about her story on this link to the New York Post article:

My partner gave birth in a coma — now she's trapped in her own body

This has reminded me to limit my moaning about Kirby Smart and Nick Saban and how precious life is.

Awful timing! Im an idiot and replied without reading his post! I deleted it!

LV, please accept my apologies!

Hi Brave Volunteer, no need to apologize I am far too big and ugly to be offended, I know you meant it in jest. I appreciate your time reading Emma's story

Go Vols.
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