Iran: Stop Attacks on Peaceful Demonstrators | Human Rights Watch
On February 14, 2011, demonstrations took place
throughout Iran after authorities conducted a wave
of arrests against opposition activists, placed the
opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi
Karroubi under house arrest, and clamped down
telephone and satellite communications and the
Initial reports from Tehran and other cities indicate
that police, anti-riot police, and plainclothes officers
attacked demonstrators, including physical assaults
and the use of teargas and batons, to break up crowds,
silence people chanting anti-government slogans, and
prevent protesters from taking photos. Numerous
demonstrators were injured, witnesses told Human Rights
There are also reports of numerous arrests.
Where is the wall to wall coverage in the American
The American media has become the Orwelian
information bureau in an Orwelain novel.
I can't wait to hear the admin's backing of these democratic protesters
Barry certainly didn't have much to say a couple of
years ago when the iranian thugocracy visciously
suppressed protests over the results of the sham
For one thing anyone running for office must be
approved by the religious authority.
Neda was the beautiful young Iranian woman
who was gunned down in the streets of Tehran
for the crime of showing up. She showed up to
take a stand for freedom and took a bullet in
the neck for her aspirations.
Part of the delusive indoctrination that goes
on in public schools includes the rewriting of
Iranian history in a way that abets the left.
In actuality, before the Jimmy Carter regime,
the United States and Iran were on friendly
terms. The Shah of Iran was the least backward
of all Muslim leaders. The shah, who is erroneously
characterized as a villain, was responsible for
giving women the right to vote. In other Arab
states, they still don’t have the right to leave
the house without a husband or other male
Iranians are understandably horrified by the new
American president who has referred to the
Ayatollah as Supreme Leader, a show of
respect for the legitimacy of the barbaric regime.
Barack Obama went so far as to send a
letter to the Ayatollah Khomeini weeks before
Iran’s last election.
The Iranians tried once to be rid of their
murderous thugocracy–Barack Obama failed
to support them and the movement failed.
Figures: Iranian Prison Guards Rape Female Prisoners Before Execution “Lest They Go To Paradise” | Mere Rhetoric
In the Islamic Republic it is illegal to execute a young
woman, regardless of her crime, if she is a virgin, he
explained. Therefore a “wedding” ceremony is conducted
the night before the execution: The young girl is forced
to have sexual intercourse with a prison guard – essentially
raped by her “husband.”… “I could tell that the girls were
more afraid of their ‘wedding’ night than of the execution
that awaited them in the morning.
Sediqeh Sadeqpour, a political activist, was arrested
and severely tortured. She was released from jail when
her legs became paralyzed, but later rearrested and
again savagely tortured. Her eyes were gouged out
and she was killed in Shiraz on November 4, 1985,
when her throat was cut. She was 20 years old.
Mina Mohammadian was executed on February 29,
1987, on political charges. She was held in solitary
confinement for eleven months prior to her execution.
During that period, she went through forty interrogation
sessions, during which she was subjected to the most
horrendous tortures. She was repeatedly raped by
the regime’s Guards. She was 22 at the time of her
The article goes on and on and on in great detail
and that sorry excuse for a human being, Jimmy
Carter, has the damned gall to maintain a room
in his Atlanta Carter Center honoring the Ayatollah
People here know I have no use for Obama but
I promise you I despise Jimmy Carter ten times
as much. At least with Obama you knew, or
should have known, his political leanings before
you elected him, Jimmy Carter was a complete
surprise, at least to me as to his idiot mindset.
The Shah and Mubarak have been deposed,
supposedly for the crime of being 'oppressive.'
Let me remind you that in far less time the
mullahs have killed 100 times as many Iranians
as the Shah did and the Shah wasn't in the
habit of raping prisoners.
We can only hope that the muslim brotherhood
doesn't get the upper hand in Egypt but even
the most casual observer has to note that
Obama is awfully cozy with the MB.
How detainees, both male and female, in Iranian prisons are systematically raped, sanctioned by the Ayatollahs, based on examples of Prophet Muhammad’s rape of prisoners, particularly females… | Dangers of Allah
Since the inception of the Islamic regime in Iran
in 1979, rapes of political prisoners have increasingly
been committed, although rarely reported. Many
courageous victims have recently revealed their
subjection to rapes. Surprisingly, however, after
the controversial June 2009 election, the losing
candidate Mehdi Karrubi revealed that both male
and female, detained during the post-election
protests, have been systematically subjected
to vicious rapes.
Another good article, well worth reading for those
who are interested in the truth and at least an
elementary historical education