Looking for Video on Ambles, Milton



Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2009
I'm sure some recruiting gurus know some spots for some free video on Milton or Ambles. I just dont have time to look through a bunch of threads/ posts and wanted to see some footage.

Thanks in advance and if this is an inappropriate topic that's mine if it gets modded/deleted.

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No ESPN video on Milton, but here is his evaluation:


Milton is a mammoth wide receiver prospect that is extremely athletic and is a candidate to move to H-back at the next level as he continues to mature. Certainly looks the part and is a guy that is a load to handle in the open field. He is a raw athlete with huge hands, long arms and a long stride. He is not overly explosive or quick-twitch in his movements, but shows deceptive quickness and elusiveness, once he gets going. He actually has very competitive speed given his size and can be more productive as a vertical guy than his top-end speed indicates because he can lull defenders to sleep. His size gives him a huge advantage on deep routes. Shows good overall awareness and body control on jump balls. He will extend and elevate to win contested matchups. Has very good hands and shows quality focus along the sideline and over the middle. Is an ideal candidate to be a slot receiver working because of his size and wide catching radius. He is difficult to tackle one-on-one after the catch and will stiff arm or break arm tackles. We would be concerned about his ability to consistently separate against smaller, quicker defensive backs if matched up out wide because he builds speed and rounds off his cuts too much. Is a raw route runner at this stage and does not possess the sudden stop/start capabilities of some guys, but he is a nightmare in the red area and knows he can create mismatches. He gains position and shows body control as good as anyone in this class.
I've only found one video of Milton and it's at Rivals. Perhaps that reel will make its way to YouTube or ESPN eventually.

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