Looks like our Offense consists of..



Obviously, ESPN HATES US!
Oct 5, 2007
Dobbs, Pearson and Pig.....and thats about it???? Not good.

Am I missing anyone??? :blink:

Also, playbook seems to be about 4 plays?? WTH??

Hate to be a negavol, but DAAAYYYUUUUMMMM!!!!

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On a positive note, looks like we have 4 plays in our playbook. I though we only had 3 coming into this game.
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Looked like Wiesman shrugged off Dobb's arm when he tried to pat him on the chest. Needs to get his head out of his rear, largely the reason we're having alot of problems. It can't be that difficult to snap the ball without it sliding on the ground.
Looked like Wiesman shrugged off Dobb's arm when he tried to pat him on the chest. Needs to get his head out of his rear, largely the reason we're having alot of problems. It can't be that difficult to snap the ball without it sliding on the ground.

Right now it apparently is.
Delayed hand off for loss of 1
Swing pass for loss of 2
Dobbs deep down sideline for INT
Jet sweep keeper for gain of 0
They have had the read on that swing pass all night long. Every time the ball gets there it's two defenders waiting on it
They're playing tight because Dobbs has no arm.

He's got plenty of arm for the lateral screen game we are so fond of. Which is fine....since Dobbs fails to read the rest of the field.

Thank God he can run.
He's got plenty of arm for the lateral screen game we are so fond of. Which is fine....since Dobbs fails to read the rest of the field.

Thank God he can run.

One doesn't need a big arm for the lateral screen game. Watch him try to throw down the field. It's bad. Even the fade to Croom that ended in pass interference was under thrown.

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