You're right jr. The last two have been weird. I never would have guessed they would have killed of two people. I wonder what happened to the prisoner did he let him go?(volmanjr @ May 3 said:The last show was weirder though with the big boys imaginary friend and then both him and his new girlfriend in the nuthouse.
(kiddiedoc @ May 8 said:I kind of saw that coming, but I'm not sure exactly which side of the fence Michael is on. I'm leaning toward him having joined the Others once they told him that Walt would be staying with them. He may have made up the entire description, too -- about them being so few, frail, and poorly-armed???
Either way, glad the show has finally returned to the interest level it held last season.
(Martoony54 @ May 9 said:I heard the two girls were arrested in Hawaii for DWI or something, so maybe that's why they were shot
I saw Michelle Rodriguez (Ana-Lucia) interviewed on good morning america and she said that her getting arrested and in trouble had nothing to do with her getting killed off in the show. she said that it was planned from the beginning that her character would be killed off in season 2(kiddiedoc @ May 9 said::lol: Coincidence? I think not. I'm not sure of the timing of the whole thing, though. Maybe they were so distraught when they learned of their impending demise on the show that they tried to drown away their sorrows with Mai Tais? Which came first, the chicken or the egg?