It was good tonight. I was getting a little bored but tonight re-engergized me.(jwells @ Mar 23 said:I didn't have any willingness to watch Lost, but my friend forced me to for teh premier of the 2nd season and I got hooked. I've missed one episode the whole time, and that was the one before this where it tells about Claire getting kidnapped...
Tonight's was nuts! Can't wait for next week...
You might be right, he is definitely a weird one.(thunder5 @ Mar 23 said:I'm somewhat convinced that Henry Gale(the gut in the hatch) is one of the others. If he's not then why is he trying to play Locke and Jack off of one another as well as talking about how he would set up the balloon search team for an abush if he were one of them. I know he's locked up and that might explain his actions, but his actions are so devious it leads me to believe he is an Other or maybe working for them in some way.